They're right that large sections are inconsistent and contradictory, and shouldn't be read without awareness of the shitposty environment they live in, they are often just trying to be edgy and offend anyone they can rather than convey any actual political belief. They've also obviously got grievances with society that they express in a different tone, but most of it is a teenager trying to be edgy and troll everyone, sometimes very obviously. But, despite that, there are clear influences, and that O9A / 764 / terrorgram cloud of ideas is one of them. Even if they don't like a particular fash group, it's the same general concepts, and their knowledge of and exposure to those groups and their ideas is evident. They didn't invent that question about O9A/etc. influence out of nowhere.
They claim near the end that "so many of [their] friends have been fedded". Good to hear, if true.
One reading the manifesto can't help but appreciate the irony of their predictions and high expectations, compared with the pathetic outcome of their attack by school-shooting standards.