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Welcome to /praxis/!

/praxis/ is a board for hosting collaborative projects, including creating agitprop and interacting with other websites.

New threads on this board must be high quality and on topic. Look at other OP posts for guidance. Low quality OPs will be moved to /social/ or deleted.

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Last edited by discomrade

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This thread is dedicated to researching, discussing, exploring, and laughing at, that element of the far-right which we have come to term "esoteric hitlerist" but more broadly a thread for documenting the extreme right.
Over the years, this thread has also expanded to collect general news on the alarmingly rampant child abuse throughout neo-nazi groups, given its core link to modern esoteric hitlerism (such as O9A and its successors).

To sum up, this entire strand of thought is more or less an intelligence operation carried out mostly by pedophiles, with a strong satanic/esoteric influence. On top of this, there are several interesting connections to these operations and operatives and Zionism.

Old threads:#1 -#2 -#3 -#4 -#5
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His "manifesto" archive
They're right that large sections are inconsistent and contradictory, and shouldn't be read without awareness of the shitposty environment they live in, they are often just trying to be edgy and offend anyone they can rather than convey any actual political belief. They've also obviously got grievances with society that they express in a different tone, but most of it is a teenager trying to be edgy and troll everyone, sometimes very obviously. But, despite that, there are clear influences, and that O9A / 764 / terrorgram cloud of ideas is one of them. Even if they don't like a particular fash group, it's the same general concepts, and their knowledge of and exposure to those groups and their ideas is evident. They didn't invent that question about O9A/etc. influence out of nowhere.

They claim near the end that "so many of [their] friends have been fedded". Good to hear, if true.

One reading the manifesto can't help but appreciate the irony of their predictions and high expectations, compared with the pathetic outcome of their attack by school-shooting standards.
Replies: >>219
fwiw, I didn't know about 764 hating Kiwi Farms. It makes perfect sense, not surprised, but I wasn't aware of it.

I know that the Kiwi Farms are normally pretty garbage at research, I've watched them miss very easy leads on a couple of famous lolcows, but their drive and ability to gang up and dig together on the edgy saltmines dumb enough to bite at them makes them a force to be reckoned with, and 764 teens/manteens are clearly not the kind who would be smart enough to suppress their hatred and rage. That's the exact kind of target KF do their best work on, the edgy mentally-insane ones who feed the trolls and can actually get the attention of the few skilled infodiggers spread among the spectating chatting crowd that makes up most of their userbase.

All this to say, I wonder if KF users are baiting, unmasking and snitching these psycho scum to the feds purely for lulz. Or is that expecting too much from them these days?
some peoples kids...

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By the very nature of being an active settler colonial  settlement a lot of Israelis have dual citizenship with other countries and loads of them enthusiastically went back to Israel to do genocide, for example, here in france over 4000 french-Israelis went to be active participants in the IOF post 7 and of course, our judicial system isn't doing shit about it. 

So I was thinking to take inspiration from the /eses/ find out who went over there l, and who fled back. The more we can find out, the more we can expose them for the genocidal freaks they are.

Would there be any interest in this? I'm fine with cloning https://codeberg.org/disco/esohit/ and modifying it accordingly.
Replies: >>213
>>212 (OP) 
I wouldn't be able to do much new investigation work because I'm stretched thin with other projects, but I'd be happy to help with any archiving.
Replies: >>215
I may be a bit taking in too much, I'm trying to think of good ways to find them. Maybe some luck with finding semi-known figures, those already known to have been there and posting about their warcrimes? Then one could just follow the content pipelines from there.
Replies: >>217
>Then one could just follow the content pipelines from there.
Yeah, I would guess this kind of thing can have a network effect, where finding one or two will lead you to their friends and their friends' friends.
I'm gonna go with "Pharisees still B pharisees." ...and some Jewish peoples kids regardless of personal beliefs listen to them.

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ITT request and create basic agitprop. This can be image edits, simple infographs, draw requests, memes, whatever.

Requesters, remember that this is volunteer work and artists will make what they feel like making. You are not owed labour. You will have more chance of a request being fulfilled if you provide useful references!

Consider saving deliveries to Leftybooru https://lefty.pictures) with tags for preservation and easy searching.
Last edited by discomrade
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Thoughts on RedNote/XiaoHongShu as a platform for dispensing agitprop? As a Chinese place, there is lots of veneration of Mao of course but also a lot of other communist materials. Seems like a great opportunity to help spread class consciousness to all the people migrating there from tiktok.
I don't have any direct experience with short-video social media like Instagram, Vine, TikTok or RedNote, and I avoid downloading phone apps and posting myself online in general, so I can't see myself getting an account.

But in general? Fertile ground. It's usually far easier to spread agitprop in a network of people who will promote and reinforce it, rather than in a place like twitter where you're often fighting a hivemind.
Шрек 2 - part 2 (clip).webm
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Here's a shorter clip from part 2 for easy sharing.
leftypol OC request.webp
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I think this would be effective as a parody of the "soldier protecting sleeping child" meme, except the soldier is on the bed with the child and a censor bar.
Replies: >>216
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I tossed it together pretty quickly, might be a little bit mucho texto, but it's something.

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ITT: we discuss the creation of a nukechan zine. Since the death of New Multitudes, there's been a need for a new publication to propagate an independent and radical perspective. /praxis/ is the perfect home for this project.

Points of order:
- Name suggestions: What should the zine be called?
- Editorial direction: What is the mission of the zine, and what, if anything, should be the primary focus of the zine?
- General interest: Do you write or do graphic design? Let us know if you're interested in contributing.
- Distribution: where will the zine be available? how will people find out about it? how will they find out when a new issue is published?
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Oh great, now I'm going down a [Western article] rabbit hole on China's wages and cost of living:
>Each province, municipality, or region sets its own minimum wage in accordance with its own local conditions. According to the country's Employment Promotion Plan, minimum wages are supposed to increase in accordance with local living standards by at least 13 percent through 2015 and be no less than 40 percent of the average local wages. Minimum wages under such policies increased by an average 12.6 percent rate between 2008-2012. However, the growth rate of minimum wage levels decreased in 2016, reflecting the Chinese government’s effort to reduce pressure on enterprises resulting from the uneven growth between labor costs and production rates.
I know China has different conditions, developing status, etc., but comparing to their economic rival, around 20 US states didn't make a 13% jump over a full 10 years (most not even increasing beyond the federal rate at all, last changed in 2009).
I'm interested in contributing, mainly in filling in stuff that needs filling in. I'm probably stronger with the visual stuff and layout than like writing the articles. I think one of the questions to ask is what content do we want and how much of each? Do we want more polemics or more political analysis? Do we want to include snippets like poetry or visual art on some pages to break up the content?

>another thing to consider as far as editorial concerns is how we go about deciding what goes in and doesn't.
Part of it is also how you put it together, you know editor type decisions. How do you fit the pieces together in the PDF or equivalent? Layout is a big part of putting together any kind of book/zine type of thing. Both in terms of order and where stuff goes on the page. Playing with the layout is kind of a trope associated with zines.

>As for what content to allow and disallow, or which to prioritize, that would depend on the mission and target audiences. And if the audience is the general socialist circles and mission is to raise our own voices, then it can be pretty broad. On the other hand, allowing the edgiest things this site permits might interfere with the mission by building a bad reputation.
Makes the most sense to put our best foot forward. As for audi
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Replies: >>143
>>140 (NTC)
>I think zines are kind of popular in the tabletop community at large, as a way of sharing rules and other content.
Cool, I didn't know that. I've mostly just really seen them in anarchist/punk adjacent scenes (including cyber culture I'm intentionally worming around the word 'cyberpunk')
>In the age of the internet where people regularly share multiple megabyte videos as reaction images it should be really easy and normal to share lightweight texts.
I helped a site out with a casual zine and it ended up being about 10MB, because it was somewhat image-heavy for aesthetic purposes, and with a bit of luck we can now reduce that using newer image formats (reminder that PNG and JPG were made in 1996 and 1992). Worst case, if a site didn't handle PDFs, we just shared with the cover image and a link.
Replies: >>144
Hey if you're really limited on data you can always resort to ASCII art. They got automatic generators for that nowadays.
Replies: >>145
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Oh it's not like that, I just mean it's good to avoid having to compress images until noticeable quality loss AND not having to make readers wait for a 30MB download.
For an interesting example of lightweight images, you can look at LOW←TECH MAGAZINE's solar-powered version:
There's also a lot of interesting articles about efficiency.

Comrade Milley.webp
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A thread for reading groups.

List of groups
Official Nuclear Change reading group

Useful resources for reading groups
Anna's Archive - Searches for books within shadow libraries including LibGen, Z-Lib, Sci-Hub, Internet Archive.
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>rapid zionism among American elites and even American Jewish elites wasn't automatic after world war 2
Yeah, I would have assumed at least the 1948 Arab–Israeli War would have kicked up a fuss. It's hard for me to comprehend something as serious as a systematic genocide of millions, in Europe (as I've witnessed with the recent Ukraine conflict, events in Europe simply hold special weight in the rest of the West), didn't even make the US Jews notably vocal.
>p43 (after footnote 22), p53
It's interesting how promoting a mythology of universal gentile hatred against Jews has in turn fueled real antisemitic excuses. Any imageboard neo-nazi will give you the line about how every country in Europe has persecuted Jews so there must be a reason for it.
That irony is a pattern I think can be generalised, where supremacy ideology (be it racial, religious, or anything, really) just ends up validating its opposition.
Whether intentionally or not, this is the kind of feedback loop modern neo-nazis aim to exploit, agitating for a race war by random acts of violence, then escalating whenever the victim group retaliates, eventually forcing every person to become awoken and pick a side. Unfortunately for them, much of society and more every day is far too heterogeneous to be vulnerable to that kind of dumb racist garbage and will correctly recognize racial supremacy (rather than ethnicity) as the real culprit.
Memorial to the French victims of Dachau Concentration Camp at Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris.webp
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The section on Holocaust Museums' omission and downplaying of non-Jewish victims is disturbing, although I'm glad it's in there. It's an especially relevant topic to us.
Contrast with most Holocaust memorial sculptures in Europe, which primarily feature the downward red arrow, Politisch, which also included people who rescued Jews.
Guys why cant i join the matrix ? it says im not a part of the requried rooms/spaces to join the room
Replies: >>86
The rooms were set so someone had to be a member of the Nuclear Change space before joining. I've changed that, now they're public.

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