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Comrade Milley.webp
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A thread for reading groups.

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Official Nuclear Change reading group

Useful resources for reading groups
Anna's Archive - Searches for books within shadow libraries including LibGen, Z-Lib, Sci-Hub, Internet Archive.
Last edited by discomrade
Doki Doki Reading Group.webp
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Norman G. Finkelstein - The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering, New Edition 2nd Edition (2003, Verso) - libgen.li.pdf
(1.9MB, PDF)
The Nuclear Change reading group is currently reading The Holocaust Industry by Norm Finkelstein.
The group is trying to choose shorter reads which stray from the standard reading group theory staples,
Replies: >>38 >>40 >>42
Really good so far. Its really interesting to learn that- as finklestein puts it, rapid zionism among American elites and even American Jewish elites wasn't automatic after world war 2, but only took on this character later. 

Also even in the year 2000 he was talking about identity politics.
Replies: >>39
>rapid zionism among American elites and even American Jewish elites wasn't automatic after world war 2
Yeah, I would have assumed at least the 1948 Arab–Israeli War would have kicked up a fuss. It's hard for me to comprehend something as serious as a systematic genocide of millions, in Europe (as I've witnessed with the recent Ukraine conflict, events in Europe simply hold special weight in the rest of the West), didn't even make the US Jews notably vocal.
>p43 (after footnote 22), p53
It's interesting how promoting a mythology of universal gentile hatred against Jews has in turn fueled real antisemitic excuses. Any imageboard neo-nazi will give you the line about how every country in Europe has persecuted Jews so there must be a reason for it.
That irony is a pattern I think can be generalised, where supremacy ideology (be it racial, religious, or anything, really) just ends up validating its opposition.
Whether intentionally or not, this is the kind of feedback loop modern neo-nazis aim to exploit, agitating for a race war by random acts of violence, then escalating whenever the victim group retaliates, eventually forcing every person to become awoken and pick a side. Unfortunately for them, much of society and more every day is far too heterogeneous to be vulnerable to that kind of dumb racist garbage and will correctly recognize racial supremacy (rather than ethnicity) as the real culprit.
Memorial to the French victims of Dachau Concentration Camp at Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris.webp
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The section on Holocaust Museums' omission and downplaying of non-Jewish victims is disturbing, although I'm glad it's in there. It's an especially relevant topic to us.
Contrast with most Holocaust memorial sculptures in Europe, which primarily feature the downward red arrow, Politisch, which also included people who rescued Jews.
Guys why cant i join the matrix ? it says im not a part of the requried rooms/spaces to join the room
Replies: >>86
The rooms were set so someone had to be a member of the Nuclear Change space before joining. I've changed that, now they're public.
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