Welcome to /praxis/!
/praxis/ is a board for hosting collaborative projects, including creating agitprop and interacting with other websites.
New threads on this board must be high quality and on topic. Look at other OP posts for guidance. Low quality OPs will be moved to /social/ or deleted.
Read both theRules and theFAQ pages before posting.
This thread is dedicated to researching, discussing, exploring, and laughing at, that element of the far-right which we have come to term "esoteric hitlerist" but more broadly a thread for documenting the extreme right.
Over the years, this thread has also expanded to collect general news on the alarmingly rampant child abuse throughout neo-nazi groups, given its core link to modern esoteric hitlerism (such as O9A and its successors).
To sum up, this entire strand of thought is more or less an intelligence operation carried out mostly by pedophiles, with a strong satanic/esoteric influence. On top of this, there are several interesting connections to these operations and operatives and Zionism.
Old threads:#1 -#2 -#3 -#4 -#5
Current tasks:
- Using image and vector graphics editors to fill out templates of known minor sex offenders. Help wanted to add photos of the offender and screencaps of evidence to each image.
- Compiling these into a video for easy sharing
- Discomrade has made a repository to allow others to contribute: https://codeberg.org/disco/esohit/
ITT request and create basic agitprop. This can be image edits, simple infographs, draw requests, memes, whatever.
Requesters, remember that this is volunteer work and artists will make what they feel like making. You are not owed labour. You will have more chance of a request being fulfilled if you provide useful references!
Consider saving deliveries to Leftybooru https://lefty.pictures) with tags for preservation and easy searching.
By the very nature of being an active settler colonial settlement a lot of Israelis have dual citizenship with other countries and loads of them enthusiastically went back to Israel to do genocide, for example, here in france over 4000 french-Israelis went to be active participants in the IOF post 7 and of course, our judicial system isn't doing shit about it.
So I was thinking to take inspiration from the /eses/ find out who went over there l, and who fled back. The more we can find out, the more we can expose them for the genocidal freaks they are.
Would there be any interest in this? I'm fine with cloning https://codeberg.org/disco/esohit/ and modifying it accordingly.
ITT: we discuss the creation of a nukechan zine. Since the death of New Multitudes, there's been a need for a new publication to propagate an independent and radical perspective. /praxis/ is the perfect home for this project.
Points of order:
- Name suggestions: What should the zine be called?
- Editorial direction: What is the mission of the zine, and what, if anything, should be the primary focus of the zine?
- General interest: Do you write or do graphic design? Let us know if you're interested in contributing.
- Distribution: where will the zine be available? how will people find out about it? how will they find out when a new issue is published?