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ITT request and create basic agitprop. This can be image edits, simple infographs, draw requests, memes, whatever.

Requesters, remember that this is volunteer work and artists will make what they feel like making. You are not owed labour. You will have more chance of a request being fulfilled if you provide useful references!

Consider saving deliveries to Leftybooru https://lefty.pictures) with tags for preservation and easy searching.
Last edited by discomrade
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Requesting a billionaire trolley problem edit:
>the trolley, full of proletarians, makes its way to the mega-yacht factory (or whatever). they look concerned...
>billionaire, clearly not just rich but inconceivably rich, smiling, controls the lever
>we look ahead... there people tied to the tracks! Many people! We should divert the trolley!
>but behold- the lever costs a million dollars to pull...
Or, if you like this added touch:
>the billionaire has already let the trolley pass the intersection, still smiling
>formal-style caption to blend in with the psychology textbook style: 'Figure 1-16: Billionaires are murderers.'
Replies: >>10 >>22
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I went off script, how's this?
Could we get some NEVER FORGET agitprop for the idea the MI5 purged the BBC of left wing elements on a number of occasions, during WW2 and during the 80s? Probably until today. I feel like it doesn't get said enough. 






it goes on and on, also potentially would like to expand into a bigger project where we make media around the intelligence agencies connection to the BBC, for now though some memes in this basic direction would be cool
Replies: >>13
rest in pepperonis.jpg
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NEVER FORGET is usually a phrase associated with the Twin Towers or other 'national tragedy' event, even when used as a bait-and-switch. I'm assuming you mean something like picrel1,2 since there's no reference image. I just don't know how that would work.

Compare with the more appropriate 'google 40% cops' trivia meme, like 'This year, Windows and Mac computers both have new festive themes for the holiday season. Look up "Christmas Tree files" for more info!'
My little gripe with that meme is I've always figured it was most often an in-joke unless you can invent an actually interesting bait-and-switch that people will bother looking up themselves.

Or maybe are you looking for a full-on infographic?

I don't know what to make and I have to go now so I drew pic3
Replies: >>15

the 9/11 thing makes it funny to me idk. Maybe infographs could also be good
Replies: >>16
Does BBC have the state-funded television stereotype where people insist it's 'left-leaning'/infiltrated, just because it's not 200% for-profit billionare-owned tripe like all the non-state channels? That 'left wing' myth could be something to play off of.
Replies: >>17
it has this right up the ass, this is kinda the whole myth I want to break
Replies: >>18
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Replies: >>19 >>59
Spoiler File
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Alright so I was so tired I forgot that's the MI6 building and not the MI5 building. Is there a most recognisable side of Tems Building?
Trolley Problem memes could practically be their own thread.

Here's another idea (might do it myself later).
<trolley is on the track heading toward "regulations"
<other track has a bunch of people tied to it
<capitalist is pulling the lever to send the trolley to run people over instead of being regulated
<ideally would be a looping gif where each time the trolley kills people they pull the lever again to avoid regulations and kill more people
Replies: >>23
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Here's a little brainstorming draft to play with the idea for inspiration.
>Trolley Problem memes could practically be their own thread.
/trolley/ board when?
Replies: >>24
I suppose it would make sense for them to be repairing the track instead of being tied to it.
Someone involved in the Esoteric Hitlerism thread (>>3) pointed out over a dozen founders and leaders of neo-Nazi organizations who were confirmed criminal pedophiles.
It's a good opportunity for a simple infographic, with an ironic title like 'The Leaders Protecting Our White Children' to bait the hook.
Replies: >>29 >>30
How's this?
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Fixed typos.
Replies: >>32 >>59
This is fucking dope, comrade. Thank you.
How about a montage of all the UN resolutions to stop the Cuban Embargo?
Replies: >>46
Cuban Embargo.webm
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Had a dig at it.
Replies: >>47 >>50 >>57
Nice work! Thanks.
cool stuff, this is a nice thread idea
how could anyone fall for such blatant lies.webp
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Wasn't requested, but I played around a bit and made this. This could probably become a template.
heh nice
Cuban Embargo2.webm
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Here's a reupload with a watermark and VP9 encoding so iPhones can play it. Video quality is also a bit lower.
Good stuff comrades, added two of these to leftybooru. I love bait-and-switch agitprop.
Replies: >>62
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For what it's worth, exposing people to ideas they might otherwise filter and skim over really is important. That's also why I love culture jamming.
Replies: >>63 >>99
There's also a lot of opportunity to play with this when it comes to mutual critique of libs. It's disarming when someone anticapitalist isn't falling into all the holes trying to defend the swiss cheese that is progressive liberalism.
Replies: >>64
It's two birds with one stone: you educate a proglib on why their view is flawed and teach a conlib that not all 'leftists' are utopian fools.
Situationist-style détournement seems like an easy win, so long as the target is decent.
Replies: >>75
the poverty of daily life.webm
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I wonder if it should have its own dedicated /praxis/ thread. /leftypol/ had a thread back in 2015 for anime détournement which ended up with a few anons editing episodes of Aiura, The Devil is a Part Timer and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.

Original thread:
> https://web.archive.org/web/http://8ch.net/leftypol/res/437358.html
< https://archive.ph/2cVG2 (has thumbnail images)
Current discussion: https://leftypol.org/anime/res/24682.html
Dank Détournement Productions's how-to guide: https://web.archive.org/web/http://bunkermag.org/detournement-step-step-guide/
Replies: >>76 >>99 >>100 >>105
I wonder if it would be more punchy and tongue-in-cheek to get popular English-language shows, download the (say) Russian dub and then add a Situationist 'translation' with subs.
Consider that essay over at >>>/social/400 which outlines a communist interpretation of Shrek 2. There's enough to work with in there to transform the film and make those themes explicit.

It would even be possible to use machine learning tools to redub the original in English, especially if the détournement is skilled and stays close to the source instead of tactlessly rewriting the entire script.
Replies: >>77
Шрек 2 - sample.mp4
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I had a quick try at it. Should I keep going?
Replies: >>87
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Not exactly agitprop, but this could use a Stirner edit.
Replies: >>80
Wheel of >Morality.webp
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It's Time for Egomaniacs.
comment on 'Communist Reacts to Ted-Ed on LENIN (moderately stupid)'.webp
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I wonder if this meme would be worth making. It's a neat way of taking a supposed enemy and listing all the progress they gave people.
Original skit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc7HmhrgTuQ
Replies: >>89
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Anon posted this over in /leftypol/ /prc/. I think there's a way to condense this phenomenon into a memephrase.
Maybe just replying >AMERICANLY
Too vague, or could it catch on?
Definitely, this is gold.
Replies: >>88
Great! I've improved that one a bit and edited a few more scenes. I'll try and export and upload them tomorrow.
Could work, thinking about how it could be done. I haven't explored machine learning text-to-speech tools but there's probably some free ones that would do a good enough job of a UK accent.

Some ideas would be:
>the 8-hour day
>free access to abortion (maybe have Loretta say that one)
I'd be careful with flimsier ones like claiming credit for socdem reforms used to placate communism, although it could literally explain 'forcing the West into give us [x]'
Replies: >>99 >>103
Encoding the videos to a decent web file size took a while, here they are:

The scenes after this is where we see more overt themes of capitalism and class discrimination so they should have more potential for juicy commentary.
Replies: >>91 >>92 >>99
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These are great! Thank you comrade.
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awesome, good work comr8
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Quality stuff comrade, hope to see more!

Culture jamming and bait-and-switch are great tools. There's a real art to it as well. Like the guide in >>75 says, a great détournement has the least amount of change, letting the original piece speak for itself, reframed.

>I'd be careful with flimsier ones like claiming credit for socdem reforms used to placate communism, although it could literally explain 'forcing the West into give us [x]'
Would be good to try, since there are so many of them. 'conceding' might be a better word.
Replies: >>100
>Like the guide in >>75 says, a great détournement has the least amount of change, letting the original piece speak for itself, reframed.
It makes me wonder what you would even do with that "we're from the union" scene. It might even be funnier and make a point simply by suddenly switching to the English audio or just not having captions on the scene, leaving it unedited.

But the Knights scene definitely needs some blatant lines in it. That's the kind of scene you have to go overboard on.
>flimsier ones
Would that apply to scientific inventions like space travel, nuclear power plants and various organ transplants?
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Found on twitter
Replies: >>105
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Spoiler File
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Yeah that's the sort of bait-and-switch stuff (as opposed to a more light-handed détournement like >>75) that's pretty easy to do, just adding subtitles. I'd call it a form of culture jamming in the vein of picrel.

It's great for grabbing attention and forming an association to remind people. Even if I see that original anime video, I'll probably remember the AOCisCIA parody version.
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Thinking of making a tree graph with a heap of different issues which all lead to anti-capitalist thought. For example: climate policy, worker abuse, money in politics, medicine price gouging, police brutality.
Replies: >>119
Would this work better as a less structured graph, where any node could connect to any other? Social issues don't always sort neatly into a strict hierarchy where each of them has exactly one superset or parent issue. They often interact with each other. Like one of the famous ones even libs talk about is how climate change and racism interact with each other. You could also potentially build a stronger case for anti-capitalism being the root problem if you first show parallel connections between "sibling" issues. IME a lot of people have been radicalized that way, by first recognizing that a lot of these issues seem connected (to each other), and from there wondering what common threads could be identified in all of them, and arriving at capitalism.
Replies: >>120
UE4 blueprints: literal spaghetti code.webp
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That's a good point. I'll give that a try, and hopefully it doesn't end up like spaghetti in the middle.
Replies: >>121
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I was looking over the Dengism Scroll and remembered those bait-and-switch posts people would make of a picture of Deng with a state-capitalist Lenin quote.
Can someone do a "Who's that Pokemon" bait-and-switch with a quote?
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Requesting ideas for stuff to animate. Motion can really bring agitprop to life, especially in the age of the internet.
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your wages.webm
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Great stuff! Maybe something metaphorical, like Porky sneakily stealing money from workers' pockets. Or maybe something cyclical, a loop.

The changing texture really helps give it life. What tools do you use?
Replies: >>139
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>Great stuff!
Thanks. :)
>Maybe something metaphorical, like Porky sneakily stealing money from workers' pockets. Or maybe something cyclical, a loop.
Hmm, maybe both. Like a representation of the cycle of production showing a loop of the worker making value, porky stealing most of it, and tossing back a little as wages.

>The changing texture really helps give it life. 
Yeah I wanted to be faithful to the original.
>What tools do you use?
Just Krita.
You can animate mask layers, which lets you change the shape and the texture separately. Just paint a few frames of texture and loop those, then put the motion on the mask layer.
Replies: >>142
lazy sketch.webp
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Hmm is there any iconic caricature of a landleech yet?
it's not comic sans.webp
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I made a parody of the flute thought experiment in The Idea of Justice. Still editable if there are suggestions.
Replies: >>176
the crypto-commie problem.webp
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Made this edit of the class Sheeple xkcd comic.

Vidrel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP8Vzcm1Lwo
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I especially like the simple, almost 'kindergarten teaching materials' vibe from the font choice. Maybe some smoothing vector art on the people drawings would complete the look, like perfect circle/oval heads, and would help contrast against the emaciated look of Anna.

Also, try giving Charles a self-pitying plain sad face, as if they're oblivious to the suffering of others. It doesn't need to have an angry face, which comes off as a bit too on-the-nose, did-you-notice-this-is-the-villain cliche propagandising.
Replies: >>185
divide and conquer.webp
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Hi /art/, I don't have a specific request but I think it's a good time for some anti-purity agitprop.
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I forgot if this was suggested this on /social/ already, I thought it would be fun to make some agitprop comparing the USA to countries they would consider third world.
I made this pretty quickly and couldn't think of a good punchline. Let me know if you want have other ideas for comparisons.
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Good idea. Looks much cleaner.
The 'kindergarten teaching materials' theme is a riff on the original version I saw, but also gets the point across that this is super basic stuff that you should have learned as a child.
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There were some posts around >>>/social/480 wondering if it's possible to adopt 4chan /co/'s Iron Girl character as a board mascot.
There's a pair of Stable Diffusion AI models now which will make it easier to spit out art. And since it's an open dataset, it'll get better as newer open models (and drawings) are released.
One of the /social/ banners was made with the Flux model.

There are also some soviet and socialist models which could be useful, especially for style parodies of old propaganda.
Replies: >>189
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I'm normally disinterested in soyjak memes but the wasteful, false-choice supermarket scam and the consoomers on social media 'facing at the modest shelves in Havana are just begging for it.
There's probably a better example than Pringles, it's just the first that came to mind.

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Chucked this together.
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