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By the very nature of being an active settler colonial  settlement a lot of Israelis have dual citizenship with other countries and loads of them enthusiastically went back to Israel to do genocide, for example, here in france over 4000 french-Israelis went to be active participants in the IOF post 7 and of course, our judicial system isn't doing shit about it. 

So I was thinking to take inspiration from the /eses/ find out who went over there l, and who fled back. The more we can find out, the more we can expose them for the genocidal freaks they are.

Would there be any interest in this? I'm fine with cloning https://codeberg.org/disco/esohit/ and modifying it accordingly.
Replies: >>213
>>212 (OP) 
I wouldn't be able to do much new investigation work because I'm stretched thin with other projects, but I'd be happy to help with any archiving.
Replies: >>215
I may be a bit taking in too much, I'm trying to think of good ways to find them. Maybe some luck with finding semi-known figures, those already known to have been there and posting about their warcrimes? Then one could just follow the content pipelines from there.
Replies: >>217
>Then one could just follow the content pipelines from there.
Yeah, I would guess this kind of thing can have a network effect, where finding one or two will lead you to their friends and their friends' friends.
I'm gonna go with "Pharisees still B pharisees." ...and some Jewish peoples kids regardless of personal beliefs listen to them.
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