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/social/ is a general board for socialist topics.
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A Nazi parade in Gera, Germany, was greeted with circus clown music... [WquPxrkfUJM].webm
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Ratt Snitch Knishes.webp
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All great world-historic facts appear twice: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.

Grab some popcorn and post fascist fail. From the desperate displays of their cringey recruits, to the vicious infighting and hypocrite purity-spiraling, the dumb clown gang never fails to entertain.

About to post another neo-Nazi pedophile? We already have a thread for them! >>>/praxis/3
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Replies: >>1113
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I didn't know about https://search.libraryofleaks.org/, that's great.
I downloaded the dataset a month ago after reading that ProPublica article (worth a read) and had a quick look around, the "r rated chat" folder included a couple of videos of random people getting shot, one is CCTV of two fat people fucking in a room before a gunman comes in and shoots them. The "lol" folder is the paramilitary guys reacting to Unicorn Riot's article about them being infiltrated.
<I've got kids I don't want some CCP funded antifa group doxxing me and calling my house. 
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Some fashy teen got v& for posting this about a new mosque.

Maybe they really are sending their best...
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Tom Sewer and the faesces.
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Don't get me wrong, it's a total punk name. But last time these jokers went to a punk show they got bashed immediately and chased up the road crying.
https://slackbastard.anarchobase.com/?p=50972 (reupload to avoid YT age-gate)

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A thread for all those stray posts that don't deserve one.
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It's always nice getting to that stage where mysteries begin making sense. So much of liberalism ideology is just poetic shallow 'common sense' claims like "money corrupts" instead of systematically explaining why the richest people are consistently exploitative porks.
Where will the brain drain from the USA go? For example, there's recently been a purge of about a hundred trans people from three letter intel agencies.

Unfortunately I suspect they will mostly just take the L or just move one step down the road to Canada/Australia/UK.
Replies: >>1100 >>1108
I won't be surprised if they follow the plan and just move to the private sector until things get bad enough for them to leave the country.
We're seeing the whole 'why did Jews stay in Germany?' question play out in real time.
Replies: >>1108
Well they're definitely not leaving unless the passport denial has stopped.
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I just learned that immanent is a different word to imminent.

(By the way, there's also eminent)

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Ren and Stimpy - Space Dogged.webm
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My Life as a Teenage Robot - The Wonderful World of Wizzly.webm
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Phineas and Ferb - It's a Charmed Life.webm
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The commies are infiltrating our cartoons! Those dastardly college arts majors are brainwashing the kids!
ITT we post Western mainstream media which show socialism in an unexpectedly positive light or have unusually sharp critique of capitalists.

>The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius — Krunch Time (2002)
In the opening scene, there are two clips where there is a clearly visible Soviet hammer and sickle on the label of an opened box in the background, with some unreadable text. No-one really knows why, although I can't help but notice the similarity to Jimmy's shirt design.

>The Ren & Stimpy Show — Space Dogged (1995)
The episode features Ren and Stimpy as pioneering Soviet cosmonauts. Alongside a few jabs at the USSR being a developing nation, it also ridicules US red scare paranoia and their delusion of winning the space race.

>Antz (1998)
This family film revolves around a worker ant, in crisis over their insignificance, constantly re-enforced by their ant society. They swap places with their soldier ant friend Weaver, right as the general begins to stage a coup d'état, sending soldiers units loyal to the queen on a suicide battle.
The class relations are made clear at the beginning. The protagonist complains that, despite Weaver calling the ants the ruling species [empire], he is unfulfilled and envious of the soldiers' glory. Soon, a small group of soldier ants become violent in a bar when two worker ants break conformity. Weaver steps in to defend them, leading to a large class brawl. Later, after switching places, the protagonist blunders their way into becoming a war hero and accidentally kidnapping the princess to avoid being discovered as a worker ant. When rumours of them overpowering the military guard reach the workers, Weaver points out their friend was a worker ant, and Weaver himself was a soldier. This shatters the workers' delusions of class fate, leading to the attached clip where there are explicit socialist themes in the class rebellion. The manager is also shown as an unwitting pawn of the coup plot, who later during a strike still hopelessly tries to convince striking workers to return with scare tactics about filling their quotas, and is basically told to fuck off. The coup is also specifically classist and eugenicist, with the leader of the middle soldier class plotting to assassinate the royal ruling class and genocide the 'weak' worker ants in a tunnel flood.

>My Life as a Teenage Robot (2003)
The second episode, Pest Control, is about a revolutionary lab rat, Vladimir, who leads their fellow comrades into rebellion against their abusive captor. The name, their beard, their cartoon Russian accent and the big ol' hammer and sickle on the title card make the allegory clear. While obviously taking the role of a comical villain, and despite a line or two about world domination, their portrayal is generally sympathetic with even a main hero saying they can't help feeling sorry for the rats.
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Waitress's apartment.webp
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This can't be mere coincidence.
There is a decent amount of love for her there, despite GG being the main character.
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I somehow never learned about Dinosaurs until I found this clip in the booru. I downloaded the episode to make a higher quality version of the clip, so I watched the whole half-hour.
Season 3 Episode 3 (Network Calls) makes it clear that the show is a satire, perhaps a bit blunt with the plot at times, but also with some blunt critique of the topic, that TV networks are influential and intentionally keep citizens addicted and dumbed down, for profit, which the protagonist outright calls 'evil'. Judging by the Wikipedia page, it's not too brave to hope the rest of the show is as pointed on social issues.
Replies: >>1032
wow le smart science man :) .webp
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>episode where everyone gets smart
>instead of just saying "E=mc2 loquacious bombastic cranium", they're actually discussing how "all property is theft" when you think about it
Don't get me wrong, socialism has a real problem with jargon and nerds who can't explain theory without being academic. But it's great that our ideas are symbols of being smart.
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Ban, Keep, Or Fuck White Women, Discuss: 

Personally, I think in order to own one of these dogs, I think you should have to prove that you have an advanced level of dog handling ability. They are not like normal dogs, they are very large, more powerful than many humans, and difficult to control. They are good at killing violently because they have specifically been bread this way. 

Further, there should be greater restrictions on inbreeding of dogs, causing them to be mutant killers. 

I don't think we should put loose dogs down, but if you own a dog like this and its roaming the streets no lead, big balls unchopped, it should be taken off you and you should face consequences. 

On a side note, I think dog breeding is a really good case study for why Eugenics are dumb. Always the Eugenisist has some purpose in mind, the higher being they want to create, but invariably, in breeding for this purpose, you create a mutant unfit for the world around them in some way. This is how the european royal families died off.
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Speaking of invasive species, it seems like hunting them is an opportunity for revolutionary socialists to prepare for the revolution.
>good for the local environment
>discount on food costs if it's an edible pest
>legitimate pretext for owning and training with a gun in countries where guns are restricted
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I don't know man, just looking at them is painful. 
I say pitbulls should be banned not only for the sake of people's safety, but for the sake of the domestic dog species as a whole because they suffer from enormous genetic defects (hereditary heart disease, breathing issues, high risk of cancer) as a result of the disastrous inbreeding that they were put through in dozens of generations just for the sake of making them look grotesque and giving them an aggressive behavior.

Ban, implement mandatory neutering to extinguish the breed, or on the other hand outbreed them with other kinds of dogs. That's the three ways I see out of the pitbull problem.
>Australian invasive species
Their state broadcaster is running a TV show this year called Eat the Invaders, which is basically 'you will eat ze bugs!' except ze bugs are "pests like cane toads, camels, carp, cats, deer and rabbits."
It's based on an existing cookbook Eat the Problem, but the spectacle of Australia's equivalent of Bill Nye eating cat on state national television is pretty fun to imagine.
Replies: >>1106
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looks like seppo spammers hecklers vetoed that
Replies: >>1107
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I'm surprised those articles were on a help page in the first place.
This is an identical same press release: https://www.screenaustralia.gov.au/sa/media-centre/news/2024/11-21-eat-the-invaders-documentary

And here's the 2 min trailer: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1bRmFT-HyRs

To be clear, those are both real things. From 1950, Australia introduced a disease to control feral rabbit populations.
>The episode was also memorable for a public scare over the simultaneous outbreak of human encephalitis in northern Victoria. To calm public anxiety that myxomatosis might have been the cause of this deadly human brain disease, CSIRO Chairman Ian Clunies Ross and two other notable scientists, Macfarlane Burnet and Frank Fenner, injected themselves with myxoma virus. They were unaffected proving conclusively that the suggestion was without foundation.
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post stupid shit said by stupid people.
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Replies: >>1096
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The one thing more stupid than colonizers claiming righteousness over other immigrants is claiming it over indigenous peoples.
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Relayed from a university comrade:
>Mutual aid is socialism.
As in, it's anti-capitalist and this is in itself is how we establish socialism.
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>>36 (OP) 
Pretty much any logic that requires X to be destroyed for arbitrarily Y to happen. Where the term "destroy" means a complete halting/nonexistence rather than a change (either quick or long term). 
>America must be destroyed so socialism can happen
>the West must be destroyed so that imperialism can be defeated
the opposite is also true
>China must fall for socialism to truly "fail"
>BRICs failure will equate to continued American hegemony

This logic operates on simplified absolutes that show a complete misunderstanding of scientific socialism
<inb4 not everyone here adheres to scientific socialism
Well most who have this stupid outlook claim to be proponents of it.
Replies: >>1098
>Where the term "destroy" means a complete halting/nonexistence rather than a change (either quick or long term).
If they mean a sudden collapse or violent destruction, then for sure, it's pretty ignorant of how changes have historically happened in the real world. States have lost serious international influence without being destroyed whatsoever, look at post-WWII Europe. (Obviously European imperial ties still exist, but compared to pre-WWII it's night and day)

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zomg its a mirage!1.webp
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This thread is for discussing sabotage, its theory, its history, tactics and stories.
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I remember reading that manual a couple of years ago and realizing much of it was just describing my regular work day.
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Someone created this lovely site a couple of months ago:

>This is not a guide for overt displays of heroism. Surveillance is abundant in the 21st century work environment. Presented here are practical, everyday actions for reducing systemic harm while minimizing vulnerability.
>These are Specific Suggestions for Simple Sabotage in the 21st century.
Replies: >>1074 >>1092 >>1094
Cool stuff.
>Opportunities will present themselves if one looks at their surroundings in a different light. For example, disabling the productivity of an entire workplace may at first seem impossible, but if the saboteur were to unplug a single wifi access point within a space, work might grind to a halt.
It's easy to think like a defender and notice cameras and guards. But when you think like an attacker, there's weakness in the system everywhere.

Capitalism, in broad strokes, evolves businesses this way by rewarding the cheapest path. If a business puts in the time and money to build defenses, another doesn't, and neither gets attacked, one has wasted money and is more likely to fold. States can intervene to try and force security through regulation, and there are other exceptions, but the trend remains. So most businesses are pretty soft on security once you're in the door, and filled with these single points of failure, like a router or server or service payment. Look at Crowdstrike and Cloudflare misconfigurations to see how devastating a well-placed accident can be.
Most of these just seem to happen as a matter of course
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<bullied nazi dogwhistles:
>"88 hel hitler the joos!"
<working class hero dogwhistles:
>*splash* "oops..."

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This is a thread about parties, orgs, unions, aid and all the rest.
Post your experiences, wins, questions and rants.
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I've been pleasantly surprised by the clearly socialist rhetoric in the construction union here. Not sure how much it extends to rank and file but if it comes from the top in a megaphone then hopefully it's being heard.
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Helped out the union lads yesterday. Was interesting to talk with them, seeing which areas of the company were their prime targets and which were filled with people who think they'll be the CEO one day.
Just got another three. These are mostly old ones people aren't looking at, but it's nice to purge them.
Going to get some stickers of my own to mark territory with. There are already a few AFA and anarchist ones around, but they're starting to show age.
That's just a general rally thing here. Even the leftward centre party and unionists yell it.
>A Guide to Guides: Over 30 Activist Guides You Might Find Helpful When Opposing the Far Right

>1. Community Responses to Far Right Organizing
>2. Responding to the Far Right in Schools and Libraries
>3. Documenting and Reporting Far Right Activity 
>4. Opposing the Far Right in the Streets and Online
>5. Taking Digital Security Measures
>6. First Aid

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As socialists, we recognise intellectual property is a harmful artificial scarcity. As technology evolves, information has become easier to distribute. Now, with the advent of everyday computers and phones, we can share writing, pictures, videos, 3D models and even computer tools in mere seconds at effectively no cost. We have unprecedented potential to own and share knowledge, download entertainment for free, and to own the means of digital labour by using community-developed 'free and open source' tools.
Remember, if you are committing piracy in a country that attempts to stop it, always wear a VPN! Research them before picking a shit one.

The concept of libraries has been extended globally with the internet. Of course, with the complexities of international copyright law, and the difficulty of censoring distributed information, many of these are 'shadow libraries', operating without respect for bourgeois copyright law. Famous examples are Z-Library (z-lib), Library Genesis (LibGen) and Sci-Hub. Another virtual library, the borrowing system of Internet Archive, attempts to work openly and within the law, but has recently been attacked by a coalition of publisher companies.
There are also other open datasets, like the widely-used OpenStreetMap.

Don't waste money on streaming companies.
Don't waste money on film distributors.
Don't waste money on games publishers.
Get all of it for free through online piracy. In cases where you do wish to compensate a creator, donate directly to them instead of letting the distributor exploit them by taking a huge cut of the income.
The online piracy scene is active, and easy to search. Torrenting is easy to learn. Direct download are often available too. Community resources like https://rentry.co/megathread and https://rentry.co/piracy-faq will have good, neat lists of which sites to search and how to stay safe, this should help with finding anything popular.

Last edited by discomrade
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Just wanted to share a very good article/blog I found on the recent ramping of big tech attacks against APIs and alternative frontends. Let's discuss possible ways of dealing with this in the best of ways. I have personally been relying on these since they appeared, for several years. 

>It seems like just yesterday, everyone was using and recommending privacy-friendly and open-source frontends to popular social media sites. Every major website had one of these: Twitter had Nitter, Reddit had Libreddit and Teddit, YouTube had Invidious and Piped, Instagram had Bibliogram and TikTok had ProxiTok. Even sites like Medium, Imgur and Quora were no exception, with open source frontends being developed for them as well. To go with all these frontends, there were various browser extensions like libredirect that would automatically redirect any social media link to its open-source frontend counterpart.
>However, within the past year or so, nearly all of these frontends have been discontinued or rendered practically unusable. What happened?

Seems like it's time for me to at least start exploring what's on mastodon and to get back into piracy for music again. Refresh my
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They mention 'bloat' in one section. Bloat is a real thing, although just like 'opsec' and 'AI' it's abused to the point I almost skip over it, but this is a legitimate usage of the term. And it's important to emphasize that lightweight doesn't imply featureless:
The recipe site they give is very minimalist. It has no javascript at all, just HTML text, a stylesheet, a SVG favicon and an image of the dish. This is perfectly fine for its purpose and its target audience, although a little dash of JS scripts might be appropriate for the mainstream at almost no cost. And one can look at the commercial recipe page to see it has more features which some users might find useful. But those features don't need to take up much space, most are just buttons and menus. The majority of the loading time is from invasive non-content, like trackers and ads.
This page serves a different purpose, it has conveniences like a websocket code library for live post updates and all the features you see in the settings menu, and even then it's currently only about 735k, only half of that actually transferred due to text compression. Some fanatics might screech that the 310k of optional JS are bloat, but they're actual features which improve the site. There are entire single ad scripts on that page larger than this whole thread, images and all. That's bloat. (Either the site has chang
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I've actually considered running gated* instances of nitter/invidious/etc., I've noticed the few surviving ones tend to be Cloudflared, rate-linited, and if that's how they're going after these sites rather than manual blocklisting or heuristic detection then decentralizing and authenticating is a real (temporary) solution.
* think "have to answer a random socialism captcha question before entering".
Eh, I'll take it.

Alternative frontends aren't inherently an enemy of companies (some embraced third-party mobile apps and dashboards) but for for those that have cracked down on them, the frontends are almost a guerilla project, like piracy.

I wonder naïvely how much of the crackdowns are intentional and targeted, or if it's mostly the result of IP rate limiting in general (which could be a DoS mitigation strategy, for example). I suspect a true targeted attack against public alternative frontends would probably involve legal action against servers, such as cease and desist notices, as well as rangeblocks against known VPS/cloud IP addresses which are likely to host servers.
From what I've heard, YouTube has started rangebanning commercial data centers, so unless you're self-hosting, a public Invidious/Piped instance is likely to get blocked.

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Post your footage, marches, insane Zionist propaganda, history, etc here. 

To kick things off, I present Zionism In the Age of Dicators, by Lenni Brenner. 

Brenner was unfortunately a Trotskyist, however he was also friends with and organised with Stokely Carmichael of the Black Panther fame.

 The book focusses on the relationship between the Zionist Movement and the imperialist powers, as well as the new fascist powers, in the pre WW2 and WW2 period. 

Specifically it discusses the Zionists relationship with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Both of these were in fact strong relationships, key facts include the Haavara Agreement, by which 60% of the capital that built Israel in the 1930s came from Nazi Germany. 

Others include the little known piece of history, that Mussolinis Navy trained the first every Israeli Navy. 

The book also discusses how Israel was basically built by these fascist adjacent, sometimes simply fascist, Zionists, as well as the shirking of duty to European Jewry during the WW2, sometimes involving what can be looked at as collaboration with the fascist powers. 

You can also read 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis, as a companion, which is all the source material used in the other book, in raw form. 
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Hamas says fighting ongoing with Israeli soldiers in occupied West Bank 
Hamas fighters, alongside al-Quds Brigades of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, have launched an attack on Israeli forces in the Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarem.

The armed groups said they inflicted casualties among Israeli soldiers in the al-Manshiyya neighbourhood.

Fear among Israeli army of the West Bank refugee camps
Amjad Abu El Ezz , from the Arab American University in Ramallah, says Israel’s incursion in the occupied West Bank is a systemic plan that was formulated long ago.

“What we’re seeing on the ground – the killing, arrests, demolition of houses – it’s not a limited operation. It’s actually very structured to control the West Bank and weaken the Palestinian Authority [PA],” El Ezz told Al Jazeera.

He noted the economic sanctions and cutting of aid by Israel’s government to the PA is further undermining its governing ability in the occupied territory.

“There is a fear among the Israeli army [that] the refugee camps would become a model throughout the West Bank. But there’s also a domestic political game between [Finance Minister Bezalel] Smotrich and Netanyahu, who wants to keep his coalition intact at the expense of the Palestinians,” El Ezz said.

Palestinian resistance targets Israeli force in a tight ambush in Tulkarm
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Replies: >>1064
Always good to heard the IOF taking casualties.
Replies: >>1067
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North Korea condemns Trump’s Gaza takeover plan as ‘slaughter, robbery’
North Korean state media has accused the US of “slaughter and robbery” over President Donald Trump’s proposed plan to occupy the Gaza Strip and expel its population of more than two million Palestinians.

“The world is now boiling like a porridge pot over the US’ bombshell declaration,” the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said in a commentary published on Wednesday, in which Trump was not explicitly named.

The White House’s Gaza proposal was evidence of the US’s “hegemonic, invasive” ambition for world dominance, it said.

KCNA also called the US a “ferocious robber” over the Trump administration’s calls to take over the Panama Canal and Greenland, as well as its decision to rename the “Gulf of Mexico” the “Gulf of America”.

“The US should awaken from its anachronistic daydream and stop at once the act of encroaching upon the dignity and sovereignty of other countries and nations,” KCNA said.

“It’s not an issue limited to the Gaza Strip only,” it added.

North Korea has been an outspoken critic of the situation in Gaza, condemning Israel for its “ruthless” massacre of Palestinians and calling the US an “accomplice” to its crimes.
>Always good to heard the IOF taking casualties.
I'll probably start uploading the new videos of such here when the war restarts.
What's size limit? I just got an general error trying to upload a vid of abt 60mb.
Replies: >>1071
Upload limit is currently 20MB per post (all attached files plus text).

I can set it higher if you think it's necessary. A server upgrade to a higher storage size is inevitable anyway now that leftybooru allows small videos.

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