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Welcome to /social/!

/social/ is a general board for socialist topics.
For collaborative projects, including creating agitprop and collaborating with other websites, please visit >>>/praxis/

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A Nazi parade in Gera, Germany, was greeted with circus clown music... [WquPxrkfUJM].webm
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Ratt Snitch Knishes.webp
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All great world-historic facts appear twice: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.

Grab some popcorn and post fascist fail. From the desperate displays of their cringey recruits, to the vicious infighting and hypocrite purity-spiraling, the dumb clown gang never fails to entertain.

About to post another neo-Nazi pedophile? We already have a thread for them! >>>/praxis/3
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spoken like a true leader.webp
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I just call them that because they're full of shit.
>In May 2021, on their Telegram channel, they even backdated footage of a Salt Lake City action to March 2021, a date which is difficult to reconcile with the serious injuries sustained by Rousseau on Feb. 28
What a chicken shit 'leader'.
The Joel Davis post above has him complaining that 200 people yelling at them is terrifying, imagine a whole stadium telling you to fuck off.
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Collectors edition
Replies: >>1057

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A thread for all those stray posts that don't deserve one.
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Oh what the hell is this rabbithole.
>On December 2, 2024, an impeachment complaint was filed in the House of Representatives against Duterte for 24 offenses including failure to account for her spending of confidential funds, involvement in extrajudicial killings and threatening the assassination of President Marcos and Romualdez. A second impeachment complaint was filed against her on December 4 for misuse of confidential funds. On December 19, a third impeachment complaint was filed against Duterte for betrayal of public trust.
Hold up, what was that about 'extrajudicial killings'?
Some of Dutetre's credentials, by the way:
>Vice Mayor of Davao City (2007-2010)
>21st Mayor of Davao City (2016-2022)
>Chairperson of Lakas–Christian Muslim Democrats (2021-2023)
>Co-Vice Chair of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict
>In January 2024, former senator Antonio Trillanes claimed that Duterte was included as a “secondary respondent" in a crimes against humanity case pending before the International Criminal Court (ICC). Arturo Lascañas, a retired police officer in Davao City, implicated Duterte as having had a role in extrajudicial killings (EJKs) after becom
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i just saw a sticker, in an English a speaking country, with "Antifaschistische Aktion" written on it, and a logo of a single black flag.

What the fuck. I'm covering this sectarian shit up.
Replies: >>1052
Understandable, but shouldn't we be cheering any and all knowledge of other languages by anglos at all?
Replies: >>1053
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>but shouldn't we be cheering any and all knowledge of other languages by anglos at all?
I didn't mention the language simply because it's different, but because Antifaschistische Aktion was the name of an actual organization with this logo. A red united front. This person wasn't buying local stickers, they went out of their way to find an anti-socialist variant from another continent to make this statement.
This sticker was the opposite of sharing knowledge, it was obscuring knowledge.

And besides, propaganda is generally more effective in the language of the people reading it. That's why we put Arabic translations on Palestine posters in places with more Arabic-speaking families. Sure, learning other cultures and languages is generally helpful to give people a broader world view and experience, but "any and all" just sounds a bit idealistic to me. Using the German spellings of AFA or Capital isn't really accomplishing anything in my eyes. I'd sooner advocate printing AFA stickers in Mandarin, which I had also seen in a nearby area.
Manabendra Nath Roy.webp
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So I was curious enough to look up the founding of the Communist Party of India, and discovered M. N. Roy.


Some assorted highlights from Wikipedia:
>Roy was the founder of the Mexican Communist Party and the Communist Party of India (Tashkent group).
>The Hindu-German conspiracy
>He was sent to Java [Indonesia]
>Roy left Indonesia for Japan, hoping to win Japanese support for their cause, despite Japan's nominal alliance with Great Britain. There he met with Chinese nationalist leader Sun Yat-sen, who had escaped to Japan following the failure of the July 1913 uprising in Nanking.
>Roy [] left the country and arrived in Korea.
>In Kobe, he used a fake French-Indian passport previously obtained for him by the Germans in China. Posing as a seminary student bound for Paris, Roy obtained an American visa, bought a ticket, and sailed for San Francisco.
>During his stay in Palo Alto, a period of about two months, Roy met his future wife, Evelyn Leonora Trent (alias Shanthi Devi). The pair fell in love and journeyed together across the country to New York City. It was in the New York City public library that Roy began to develop his interest in Marxism.
>Due to the presence of British spies, Roy fled to Mexico in July 1917 with Evelyn. German military authorities, on the spot, gave him large amounts of money.
>Mexican president Venustiano Carranza and other liberal thinkers appreciated Roy's contributions to the El Pueblo newspaper. The Socialist Party he founded in December 1917 later became the Communist Party of Mexico in 1919, the first Communist Party outside Russia. The Roys lodged a penniless Mikhail Borodin under special circumstances. Due to Borodin's grateful reports, Moscow planned to invite Roy to the 2nd World Congress of the Communist International, held in Moscow during the summer of 1920. A few weeks before the Congress, Vladimir Lenin warmly received Roy.
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post stupid shit said by stupid people.
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and I thought US federal voting was bad...
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lol i hate these faggots
Replies: >>1019 >>1021
Washington 4, Indians 3.webm
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Ah yes, property owners. Shed a tear for that oppressed class and their years of hardship. They bought that land fair and square, don't ya know!
(I don't have any Canadian media to attach)
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The one thing more stupid than colonizers claiming righteousness over other immigrants is claiming it over indigenous peoples.
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Relayed from a university comrade:
>Mutual aid is socialism.
As in, it's anti-capitalist and this is in itself is how we establish socialism.

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zomg its a mirage!1.webp
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This thread is for discussing sabotage, its theory, its history, tactics and stories.
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>my factory got rekt, this is just like a bunch of people getting blown up by a bomb!
Not even the most ridiculous expansion of "terrorism." Look up "economic terrorism." Stealing (theoretical) profits by disrupting production or supply chains is terrorism lol. Found out about this when looking up info on Ad Nauseam (ad blocker), which got banned from chrome because feeding ad companies junk data is considered "economic terrorism."

A lot of construction companies are basically scammers intentionally doing shitty work because by the time the building falls apart the owner of the company will have retired and the company won't exist. Of course they're not going to be against following protocol. Anything that slows down a job delays their retirement and increases the chances that they get sued.
Replies: >>658 >>732
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>The term economic terrorism is strictly defined to indicate an attempt at economic destabilization by a group
Are governments trying to use loaded language to demonize others, or are they really this illiterate and think terrorism is any unlawful attempt to cause change?
Replies: >>732
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There's only so far they can push that line of rhetoric.
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Declassified CIA Guide to Sabotaging Fascism Is Suddenly Viral
>Over the last week, the guide has surged to become the 5th-most-accessed book on Project Gutenberg, an open source repository of free and public domain ebooks. It is also the fifth most popular ebook on the site over the last 30 days, having been accessed nearly 60,000 times over the last month (just behind Romeo and Juliet).
There is also the sequel, The Freedom Fighter's Manual which the CIA airdropped over Nicaragua, worth a read.
Replies: >>1051
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I remember reading that manual a couple of years ago and realizing much of it was just describing my regular work day.

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Here is one of Russel Brands ex Girlfriends. 
 Her name is Jemima Goldsmith, of the Goldsmith finance Dynasty. The Goldsmiths were at one point the main major rival to the Rothschild family. She has two younger brothers, one a financier, the other Zach Goldsmith, a former Tory MP, London Mayoral Candidate and now Life Peer. 
 Jemima her self used to be married to Imran Kahn, the recently couped Pakistani prime minister. 
 She was also a friend of Princes Diana. 
 On top of that, at one point she was going to post bail for Julian Assange, but didn't, because she didn't like how he dealt with the questions of sexual abuse. 
 She is a filmmaker, and at one point spoke at a stop the war coalition rally. She was opposed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Interesting stuff.
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Sure, but are we past 50% being right of Labour?
In light of the ongoing riots, new nonces just dropped: >>>/praxis/93

Could Corbyn have prevented this?
'ate Keir, simple as
Wishy washy liberal cunt
Replies: >>1045
>>1044 (me)
I shall be either voting green or spoiling my ballot in the next election
I don't see the point in spoiling a ballot. Enough people are drawing dicks on them or filling them out improperly that it's not really a clear protest, might as well actually push Labour down with a leftward message.
That said, one vote is approximately worthless so most importantly tell your mates to vote leftward of Labour so they get a message. If your Greens are typical, I assume they're not even socialist, but still at least represent better policies.

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I'm going to be real with all of you, you guys suck, especially the European ones. Complain and point out what you don't like and what you think makes people don't like the left-wing , socialist, & progressives.
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true lol
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I wouldn't say they are entrenched solely in ideals but more that they are completely captivated by the libeleral hegemony. Even most European communist parties are just socdem libs at the end of the day. They do not have any meaningful changes to propose, best you get is some return to Keynesian economic policies. None of them dare to take a stand because they don't want to scare the middle class voters away, they run scared of the fascists so they try to appeal to the larger liberal sentiment that is present in Europe even when the libs have nothing to offer but to hand over power to the fascists. 

They like their comfy positions and will never oppose the existing institutions because they are just as much a part of it, there is no political future in Europe and left groups / parties need to embrace that openly, even when it seems unpopular.

It's all just fucking liberalism, all the fucking way down. I hate this place tbh
Replies: >>1037
do YOU do anything?
Replies: >>1041
Do you??????
Chud's were correct about the European ones

Jimmy Neutron - Krunch Time.webp
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Ren and Stimpy - Space Dogged.webm
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My Life as a Teenage Robot - The Wonderful World of Wizzly.webm
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Phineas and Ferb - It's a Charmed Life.webm
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The commies are infiltrating our cartoons! Those dastardly college arts majors are brainwashing the kids!
ITT we post Western mainstream media which show socialism in an unexpectedly positive light or have unusually sharp critique of capitalists.

>The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius — Krunch Time (2002)
In the opening scene, there are two clips where there is a clearly visible Soviet hammer and sickle on the label of an opened box in the background, with some unreadable text. No-one really knows why, although I can't help but notice the similarity to Jimmy's shirt design.

>The Ren & Stimpy Show — Space Dogged (1995)
The episode features Ren and Stimpy as pioneering Soviet cosmonauts. Alongside a few jabs at the USSR being a developing nation, it also ridicules US red scare paranoia and their delusion of winning the space race.

>Antz (1998)
This family film revolves around a worker ant, in crisis over their insignificance, constantly re-enforced by their ant society. They swap places with their soldier ant friend Weaver, right as the general begins to stage a coup d'état, sending soldiers units loyal to the queen on a suicide battle.
The class relations are made clear at the beginning. The protagonist complains that, despite Weaver calling the ants the ruling species [empire], he is unfulfilled and envious of the soldiers' glory. Soon, a small group of soldier ants become violent in a bar when two worker ants break conformity. Weaver steps in to defend them, leading to a large class brawl. Later, after switching places, the protagonist blunders their way into becoming a war hero and accidentally kidnapping the princess to avoid being discovered as a worker ant. When rumours of them overpowering the military guard reach the workers, Weaver points out their friend was a worker ant, and Weaver himself was a soldier. This shatters the workers' delusions of class fate, leading to the attached clip where there are explicit socialist themes in the class rebellion. The manager is also shown as an unwitting pawn of the coup plot, who later during a strike still hopelessly tries to convince striking workers to return with scare tactics about filling their quotas, and is basically told to fuck off. The coup is also specifically classist and eugenicist, with the leader of the middle soldier class plotting to assassinate the royal ruling class and genocide the 'weak' worker ants in a tunnel flood.

>My Life as a Teenage Robot (2003)
The second episode, Pest Control, is about a revolutionary lab rat, Vladimir, who leads their fellow comrades into rebellion against their abusive captor. The name, their beard, their cartoon Russian accent and the big ol' hammer and sickle on the title card make the allegory clear. While obviously taking the role of a comical villain, and despite a line or two about world domination, their portrayal is generally sympathetic with even a main hero saying they can't help feeling sorry for the rats.
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I think they kind of just got pigeonholed into the lolbert box because they tend to "both sides" things and that's the default "third option" in the mind of most of the US. They certainly have a bent toward "personal liberty" with their ideas but it's not like that's necessarily incompatible with communism or implies support for capitalism. Another current in the show has been satirizing brands and corporations (celebrities basically being an offshoot of that). IMO they were (maybe still are) just not really interested in committing to any political ideology.

They've portrayed other ideologies in similar detail on the show (probably most famously with scientology). You're right though that the lack of jokes at the expense of communism does sort of stand out. Maybe all the more because even with characters like Big Gay Al they still make them the butt of the joke sometimes. It's certainly interesting. One should keep in mind however that plenty of people have read communist theory and even been important revolutionary figures, only to later "betray" communism or "reveal" themselves to be phones (nobody can know for sure in most cases). In other words, just because somebody can grok the theory doesn't mean they are a genuine comrade.

That isn't really so relevant to the question of propaganda though, and a lot of people got unvarnished Marxism from that episode which is good. That's the bottom line as fa
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Waitress's apartment.webp
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This can't be mere coincidence.
There is a decent amount of love for her there, despite GG being the main character.
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I somehow never learned about Dinosaurs until I found this clip in the booru. I downloaded the episode to make a higher quality version of the clip, so I watched the whole half-hour.
Season 3 Episode 3 (Network Calls) makes it clear that the show is a satire, perhaps a bit blunt with the plot at times, but also with some blunt critique of the topic, that TV networks are influential and intentionally keep citizens addicted and dumbed down, for profit, which the protagonist outright calls 'evil'. Judging by the Wikipedia page, it's not too brave to hope the rest of the show is as pointed on social issues.
Replies: >>1032
wow le smart science man :) .webp
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>episode where everyone gets smart
>instead of just saying "E=mc2 loquacious bombastic cranium", they're actually discussing how "all property is theft" when you think about it
Don't get me wrong, socialism has a real problem with jargon and nerds who can't explain theory without being academic. But it's great that our ideas are symbols of being smart.

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post some leftist movies/documentaries and discuss it a bit too.

>posting youtube links without titles
- The Untold History of the United States (by Oliver Stone) Episode 1: World War I, the Russian Revolution and Woodrow Wilson
- Nixon (1995): Nixon talking to CIA director Richard Helms
- V (miniseries): scene of the El Salvador resistance, before the Visitors arrive.

I haven't seen Oliver Stone's work (apart from Scarface), interestingly they apparently describe themselves as a Mill-style 'real liberal', and are a Hugo Chávez supporter and FARC enjoyer. Not sure if socialist, exactly, but certainly a strongly critical counter-narrative with influence.
385 - 1984 anarchism civilization corporation crisis documentary film ideology list marxism meta_infographic site_leftypol slavoj_zizek.png
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There's also comedy films in >>6 and a few sprinkled in >>163

Posting some film lists from the booru. OP you so lazy wwww

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Ban, Keep, Or Fuck White Women, Discuss: 

Personally, I think in order to own one of these dogs, I think you should have to prove that you have an advanced level of dog handling ability. They are not like normal dogs, they are very large, more powerful than many humans, and difficult to control. They are good at killing violently because they have specifically been bread this way. 

Further, there should be greater restrictions on inbreeding of dogs, causing them to be mutant killers. 

I don't think we should put loose dogs down, but if you own a dog like this and its roaming the streets no lead, big balls unchopped, it should be taken off you and you should face consequences. 

On a side note, I think dog breeding is a really good case study for why Eugenics are dumb. Always the Eugenisist has some purpose in mind, the higher being they want to create, but invariably, in breeding for this purpose, you create a mutant unfit for the world around them in some way. This is how the european royal families died off.
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As of the 31st of December the great purge has begun. 

Looks like white men are pushing back finally
Pet ownership licenses seems like a pretty reasonable standard to have as a general thing. Dangerous animals is one part of it, but so is being competent enough to actually take care of the animal. Not just in terms of training, but in terms of, like, being able to feed them properly. There's too many idiots with "vegan cats" for instance.

>Personally, I think in order to own one of these dogs, I think you should have to prove that you have an advanced level of dog handling ability.
This should just be the case in general. Tiny dogs like chihuahuas can be aggressive as fuck too, and even if they can't maul you to death, a bite can be dangerous. Not that pitbulls aren't specifically more dangerous, but it's more a thing of degree. Of course, this would be less of an issue if dog training services were more available or just education for people about how to handle animals. That goes beyond pets too, you see a lot of dumbfucks approaching wild animals or livestock with no regard for how the animal might react, like they're some Disney princess. There's an even bigger issue here with not really understanding or respecting nature as a force to be reckoned with that needs to be corrected with education, if only for public safety reasons.

>The idealist in me says that people who would like pet animals should strive to get pets which are native to the
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All dogs should have to be on leashes in public, and you should have to be capable of handling an animal if it acts up. The only real exception to this would be assistance animals who are usually trained well enough not to need a leash (guide dogs though kind of need one to function anyway).
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Speaking of invasive species, it seems like hunting them is an opportunity for revolutionary socialists to prepare for the revolution.
>good for the local environment
>discount on food costs if it's an edible pest
>legitimate pretext for owning and training with a gun in countries where guns are restricted
charles ii digital reconstruction.png
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I don't know man, just looking at them is painful. 
I say pitbulls should be banned not only for the sake of people's safety, but for the sake of the domestic dog species as a whole because they suffer from enormous genetic defects (hereditary heart disease, breathing issues, high risk of cancer) as a result of the disastrous inbreeding that they were put through in dozens of generations just for the sake of making them look grotesque and giving them an aggressive behavior.

Ban, implement mandatory neutering to extinguish the breed, or on the other hand outbreed them with other kinds of dogs. That's the three ways I see out of the pitbull problem.

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