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Welcome to /social/!

/social/ is a general board for socialist topics.
For collaborative projects, including creating agitprop and collaborating with other websites, please visit >>>/praxis/

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Glorious night show in Chengdu Financial City. This sight makes me proud to be a communist.
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Don al-Trump.png
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we have just received a social media update from the alleged perpetrators
Billboard-Screenshot-2024-06-10-at-11.45.37 AM.webp
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>socialist aesthetics thread
Bonus points to anything modern, and not just a lazy adaptation of cyberpunk.
As nice as some old posters and Soviet architecture were, it would be nice to show off something appropriate to now.

As a side note, I love that we've claimed the five point star and the plain red flag for ourselves. Literally just red can be enough to get the message across. That's symbolism at its finest.

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zomg its a mirage!1.webp
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This thread is for discussing sabotage, its theory, its history, tactics and stories.
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Seconding. Low-risk activities are great to know because they can be used in a mass movement filled with people who are (understandably) timid and scared. And once there are enough people on board, then there's the safety in numbers that are needed to build confidence for more extreme actions.
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scabs gonna scab.jpeg
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Perhaps more self-sabotage than worker sabotage, but I remember in the US post-pandemic strike wave, John Deere hired scabs and one crashed a tractor before the strike even began.
Replies: >>609 >>610
Speaking of scabs and low-risk tactics, Kellogg's also hired scabs that year and the /r/antiwork community raided them with fake job applications. It's a nice example of external sabotage, where sometimes even international comrades can help in their spare time.
Are there any confirmed cases where a saboteurs applied as fake scabs? If there isn't a name for it, 'scabotage' works well.
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>following safety protocols is considered sabotage

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A Nazi parade in Gera, Germany, was greeted with circus clown music... [WquPxrkfUJM].webm
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Rat Snitches Knitches.webp
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All great world-historic facts appear twice: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.

Grab some popcorn and post fascist fail. From the desperate displays of their cringey recruits, to the vicious infighting and hypocrite purity-spiraling, the dumb clown gang never fails to entertain.

About to post another neo-Nazi pedophile? We already have a thread for them! >>>/praxis/3
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Not even feds like snitches.
Look, I seriously hope you all wouldn't even consider being a rat, but the lesson is clear.
>No Uber for der Übermensch?
No rides for Reichlets.

Maybe the rider was only ditching them because they saw an angry mob and didn't want to deal with that, sure, but even then there's power in making sure Nazis don't associate with people. Pubs/bars and tattoo artists know that – serve a Nazi, and you're now a Nazi bar.
Replies: >>625
Absolutely. Make tolerating Nazis intolerable. Little pains for them build up if they can't go to bars, can't play at venues, can't buy properties, get fired from jobs, lose friends and family, and these rejections have a real psychological and logistical impact.
Replies: >>626 >>627
oops where'd your mask go? ha ha.webm
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unmasking in idaho.webp
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YARDing the NSN.webp
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Look at groups like Patriot Front and the NSN who, by default, balaclava up or black bloc.
Anarchists generally black bloc when they're going out to commit crimes. Fair enough, that's what it's for. They're hiding from police violence, or in some cases, far-right extremists who historically have murdered or plotted to murder anitfacists. But these neo-Nazis, they're hiding from the community. Masks are their daily public uniform, they hide when they're marching down the streets in another state, they hide when they're protesting against drag shows, they hide when they attend right-wing unity rallies. They are alien to the communities they're in (in many cases literally; they are arriving from other states of the country. But I mean it figuratively). They're so alien that their fellow reactionaries insist they are feds. Vidrel is the fucking Proud Boys unmasking neo-Nazis (Rose City Nationalists, founded by a Patriot Front member and borrowing heavily from them). When unmasked, many of them deny and insist they're not neo-Nazis, and many lose their jobs because being a Nazi is unacceptable to public relations.
That's a sign of success, when a society has made being a Nazi something to hide, something that ostracizes people.
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joel davis whining to british nonces.mp4
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>these rejections have a real psychological and logistical impact.
But don't take it from us! Listen to these glowing testimonies!

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A thread for all those stray posts that don't deserve one.
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I'm in this screenshot. hooray!
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While I don't want to promote the idea that non-violence is the only 'correct' approach, mockery really is psychologically powerful, both as an attack and a defense. Clown counter-protesting has a long history for a good reason. Especially since fascism has such an emphasis on regimented order, aesthetics and masculinity, simple mockery is even more effective because of it.
I haven't given bookrel a full reading yet, so I can't comment on its thesis, but it gives a glance into the long history of making fun of Nazi horror, outside of the usual British and US propaganda many of us are already familiar with. I assume there's an important difference between a regime just being a politcal designated enemy versus being an occupying force one can't just look away from.
(You can download it from Anna's Archive and other shadow libraries, it's too large to upload here)
Replies: >>619
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>(You can download it from Anna's Archive and other shadow libraries, it's too large to upload here)
Thanks comrade, +1 for AA. Saw it mentioned in /λ/ and it's beautiful.
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>Things like how to ask for help effectively, how to write a date properly, how to use a subject field on a website instead of writing "help! im a noob!!", basic media and statistical literacy, simple things like that.
I don't know what the cause is, whether it's systematic issues with education or laziness or culture shock or just random mental conditions in the population, but the bottom line is that so many people are stupid.
Just fucking stupid. Beyond functional, even if they're sane and literate. They're ultimately a drain on a conversation or a drain on resources. Simple instructions are beyond their grasp.
It's frustrating and disheartening, it really is, especially when you can tell they care about something enough to try and write out an opinion but put it in the trash can instead of the feedback box, no matter how clear the labels are. I've seen this kind of stuff happen in multiple different jobs and hobbies, including technical jobs where one would be forgiven for assuming the people there are intelligent.
Replies: >>622
>>621 *
And I don't know if it's society, childhood malnutrition, chronic sleep deprivation or just plain carelessness, but it can't be that there's no interest or desire.
I don't know the causes so I can't really do anything about it myself. Really, I'm just venting.

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Here are my faves in no particular order:

>Return of the Repressed 
Parapolitics and history, deep, detailed dives in a very academic fashion that manages to make that still engaging and easy to digest. Nice slow chilled pace of speech and friendly kinda guy that doesn't try to make too many jokes or go off on less relevant tangents. Really educational. Stand out episodes so far, although I haven't listened to many: Early Communism and the Sea. This basically takes all the ancient aliens/ nazi occultist/ ancient civilisation stuff and looks at it from a hard materialist perspective, open to the idea of lost ancient cultures, but cutting away all the lost master race bullshit, even suggesting, potentially, ancient proto communism, but not going off the chain and making unsupported claims etc. Guy is a scandi. As far as I can tell a Marxist Leninist. Good soundtracks.
>Ghost Stories For the End of the World. 
British Parapolitics with a true crime twinge to it. Some really good episodes to bring you into the world of parapolitics of some of the biggest well known events but not too woo woo, stopping short of making extravagant claims about things. Also has episodes that are more like cultural observations, guy is also a musician and into music and film so you get a lot of cross analysis and interesting tidbits, again, good soundtracks. Stand out episodes: Recent ones about Freemasonry and organised crime in Britain, early ones about the Brabant killings and Gladio, and one called "the horror of policing". Also a Marxist Leninist
>Programmed to Chill 
Again, parapolitics and true crime, not afraid to get into really freaky stuff, bit more out there than the other two but still very grounded . Has some really good guests on and lots of subseries that are long deep dives into subjects. Stand out episodes are a 10+ part series which is an interview with Wendy Painting, Author of Aberation in the Heartland of the Real, which goes DEEP into the Oklahoma City Bombing, the life and times of Timothy Mcveigh, his connections to intelligence and the far right, MKULTRA, and situating this in the context of intelligence agency domestic terror programs in the US. All of this is need to know information for communists in my opinion. 

He also has loads of other good episodes, long series deep dives. Plus he has a nice voice and again, wide ranging broad music taste with nice musical interludes and a laid back style. Gets into humour but not so much to make it distracing, again, willing to explore really out there ideas, but not without critical distance. Guy is an American Ex Mormon. Also some kind of Marxist Leninist 

>Media Roots Radio 
Parapolitical but more current events focussed, brother of Abby Martin often with Abby on. Focus on debunking right wing media narratives and exposing right wing "populist" or "anti establishment" figures as frauds. Very US focussed. This is interspersed with some really good deep dives, such as into the 2001 Anthrax Attacks and A comprehensive history of Freemasonry in the United States. Some kind of libertarian socialist but still in defence of AES kinda people. Huge back catalogue. Also good film, TV and music analysis. 

>Eyes Left
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Sept 20th.
Replies: >>546 >>584 >>620
It's not as if their previous seasons didn't scare the hoes, but this could get spooky.
Very nice. I've been hoping for a deep dive into the Khmer Rouge since Proles of the Roundtable said they'd do one (and then they collapsed).
Replies: >>585
>Proles of the Roundtable
I haven't looked into them, do you recc?
One more week. How do you think they'll approach the Cambodia/Vietnam/China situation?

bullshit jobs.webp
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>A bullshit job is meaningless or unnecessary wage labour which the worker is obliged to pretend has a purpose.
Flunkies, goons, duct tapers, box tickers and taskmasters. Discuss jobs which shouldn't exist and just waste time (whether they are strictly 'bullshit jobs' or not).

Thread reading: Bullshit Jobs: A Theory by David Graeber
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmgHAT7IdDQ
I'm probably preaching to the choir here: it's easy to imagine how many of those jobs would just vanish if our work was motivated by direct wants and needs rather than abstract money. If someone rich can just offer people a salary to be an anti-social lobbyist, union-buster, marketer or corporate lawyer, that's taking human effort away from actual work that needs to be done to fix this broken world.
When you start to add up all the bullshit jobs in the world, when you see just how huge the scope of its wasted manpower is, it's horrifying.
I read this article about bullshit jobs and some of them are just absurd.
https://davidgraeber.org/articles/i-had-to-guard-an-empty-room/ (also published by The Guardian)

Someone I know recently found that their landlord company had no-one in their office when they went to complain. Maybe this is one of the reasons behind a 'my job is to occupy space' story, where a local physical office building exists purely for legal or reputational reasons rather than functional reasons.
Replies: >>601
The sabotage thread (>>511) has me thinking: how immune to sabotage is a bullshit job?
Obviously it depends on the job: someone guarding an empty room obviously has a different impact to a union-buster when they neglect their job. But what potential does the non-work job have to sabotage? I find the example in >>592 of the Lynx user interesting – they've found a way to do things in a job where their time would otherwise be completely wasted. Perhaps this can create a limited form of a professional revolutionary at the expense of the bourgeoisie, if we can discover, document and exploit certain bullshit jobs which allow the supposed worker to secretly perform some revolutionary activities on-the-clock, rather than simply working a day job and performing revolutionary activity in their remaining spare time.
Replies: >>607
People can sabotage others, so when a job is bullshit it may still be able to influence other jobs. Even just incurring a cost and allowing property to be damaged could be on the table.

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HAPPY 9/11

Post 9/11 memes and debate whether the 9th of November was an inside job.
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Credible non-conspiratory theories are powerful. It's one thing to know, yes, there's a real incentive for a conspiracy to occur but it's also pretty simple to dismiss as a blind accusation if there wasn't a whistleblower like Smedley Butler of the Business Plot.
But when the key facts and statements are all known to the public, no secret inner circle, it's damning.
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Replies: >>603
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Just wait until the CIA gets home! I'll tell them you did it and you'll be in so much trouble!
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Replies: >>606
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Jimmy Neutron - Krunch Time.webp
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Ren and Stimpy - Space Dogged.webm
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My Life as a Teenage Robot - The Wonderful World of Wizzly.webm
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Phineas and Ferb - It's a Charmed Life.webm
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The commies are infiltrating our cartoons! Those dastardly college arts majors are brainwashing the kids!
ITT we post Western mainstream media which show socialism in an unexpectedly positive light or have unusually sharp critique of capitalists.

>The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius — Krunch Time (2002)
In the opening scene, there are two clips where there is a clearly visible Soviet hammer and sickle on the label of an opened box in the background, with some unreadable text. No-one really knows why, although I can't help but notice the similarity to Jimmy's shirt design.

>The Ren & Stimpy Show — Space Dogged (1995)
The episode features Ren and Stimpy as pioneering Soviet cosmonauts. Alongside a few jabs at the USSR being a developing nation, it also ridicules US red scare paranoia and their delusion of winning the space race.

>Antz (1998)
This family film revolves around a worker ant, in crisis over their insignificance, constantly re-enforced by their ant society. They swap places with their soldier ant friend Weaver, right as the general begins to stage a coup d'état, sending soldiers units loyal to the queen on a suicide battle.
The class relations are made clear at the beginning. The protagonist complains that, despite Weaver calling the ants the ruling species [empire], he is unfulfilled and envious of the soldiers' glory. Soon, a small group of soldier ants become violent in a bar when two worker ants break conformity. Weaver steps in to defend them, leading to a large class brawl. Later, after switching places, the protagonist blunders their way into becoming a war hero and accidentally kidnapping the princess to avoid being discovered as a worker ant. When rumours of them overpowering the military guard reach the workers, Weaver points out their friend was a worker ant, and Weaver himself was a soldier. This shatters the workers' delusions of class fate, leading to the attached clip where there are explicit socialist themes in the class rebellion. The manager is also shown as an unwitting pawn of the coup plot, who later during a strike still hopelessly tries to convince striking workers to return with scare tactics about filling their quotas, and is basically told to fuck off. The coup is also specifically classist and eugenicist, with the leader of the middle soldier class plotting to assassinate the royal ruling class and genocide the 'weak' worker ants in a tunnel flood.

>My Life as a Teenage Robot (2003)
The second episode, Pest Control, is about a revolutionary lab rat, Vladimir, who leads their fellow comrades into rebellion against their abusive captor. The name, their beard, their cartoon Russian accent and the big ol' hammer and sickle on the title card make the allegory clear. While obviously taking the role of a comical villain, and despite a line or two about world domination, their portrayal is generally sympathetic with even a main hero saying they can't help feeling sorry for the rats.
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I know Iron Girl belongs to /cog/ but perhaps we can adopt her. The bonus side is we can easily ask /co/ for draw requests.
We've already seen analogies of collectivist societies like ant/insect stories.
I wonder if finance dramas have the potential, or if any pro-social (rather than merely anti-capital) themes would just be blatantly preachy. I'm thinking of something like The Big Short.
space capitalism - pikmin 2.png
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Someone mementioned this Pikmin 2 scene. I wonder if the devs were having a bad week.
First interview.webm
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Unfulfilled - Deleted Scene.webp
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South Park earned a dismal reputation in socialist circles, but one just can't ignore the Season 22 ending: Unfulfilled and Bike Parade.

An Amazon packing warehouse comes to town, employing many of the townspeople. A minute in, a two-minute-long montage of their work day plays to the tune of Sixteen Tons, setting the episode's tone. It's beginning to look like a company town due to everyone's dependence on Amazon. The next day, Section manager Josh is hit by a series of automated mover robots (hinted to be a common occurrence) and is pushed onto the assembly line, which fails to shutdown, compacting Josh into a small shipping box. Angered at the company statement blaming the incident on human error, the workers declare a strike.

In a news interview covering the strike, Josh immediately summarises Marxist class conflict and calls for working class revolt. In another interview, Randy (a petit-booj) complains about needing shipments to run their business, dismissing Josh's concerns about the alienation of capitalism as 'typical rhetoric from a Marxist box'. Josh then calls for socialism. These themes aren't hidden or esoteric, they're explicitly stated.
The episode ends with Josh addressing their fellow strikers, paraphrasing many parts of the Manifesto of the Communist Party: "The history of this world is the history of class struggles. Alienated from the products of their labour, from their fellow labourers, and from their very essence, the oppre
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Robot Chicken.webp
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>There's also a whole sketch making fun of McCarthy
On the topic of McCarthyism, what's the deal with The Crucible? It's mainstream enough to be widely taught in English literature classes, despite being published during the Second Red Scare and while McCarthy was still at large. I haven't read it, but it's well-known to be about anti-communist hysteria and Miller clearly seems to be a fellow traveler. (Maybe McCarthy was right, the reds have infiltrated our schools!!1)

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A general thread for discussing upcoming elections and electoral politics.

Elections with existing threads (e.g. UK election) should go there instead for convenience.
2024 is a big year for the West. Highlights include:
>June 9: European Parliament election
>June 30, ... : French National Assembly
>July 4: UK House of Commons
>November 5: United States

We also have the Venezuela Presidential election and North Korean Parliament election.
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Well comrade, who are you voting for?
Replies: >>562 >>593
>Government: SuccDem and Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist–Leninist) coalition including DemSocs

>25 active communist parties
All these splits and mergers would make any Trot blush.
In some way, I think we're lucky that the governments of the 5EYES were how they are at the beginning of the Palestinian genocide (given the realistic options).
>USA: Democrat president ('left' side of the two-party system)
>UK: 'centre-left' Labour party prime minister and in power
>Canada: 'centre-left' prime minister and Liberal party in power
>Australia: 'centre-left' Labor prime minister (founding member of 'Parliamentary Friends of Palestine')
There's no reasonable excuse of 'well let's just voot in the left of the two parties' because they're already there and showing their colours.
Then with the labour movement, you have the Democrats 'Amtrak Joe' outlawing the train strike and the Australian Labor party taking draconian forceful administration of the construction workers union (CFMEU), which is doing its part alienating their worker-class base.

Unfortunately some of those parliaments are in a situation where they can just vote one party to 'the left', hope for the Nordic model and call it a day. But even that is an improvement.

holy shit

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