(208.8KB, 1080x1311) Here are my faves in no particular order:
>Return of the Repressed
Parapolitics and history, deep, detailed dives in a very academic fashion that manages to make that still engaging and easy to digest. Nice slow chilled pace of speech and friendly kinda guy that doesn't try to make too many jokes or go off on less relevant tangents. Really educational. Stand out episodes so far, although I haven't listened to many: Early Communism and the Sea. This basically takes all the ancient aliens/ nazi occultist/ ancient civilisation stuff and looks at it from a hard materialist perspective, open to the idea of lost ancient cultures, but cutting away all the lost master race bullshit, even suggesting, potentially, ancient proto communism, but not going off the chain and making unsupported claims etc. Guy is a scandi. As far as I can tell a Marxist Leninist. Good soundtracks.
>Ghost Stories For the End of the World.
British Parapolitics with a true crime twinge to it. Some really good episodes to bring you into the world of parapolitics of some of the biggest well known events but not too woo woo, stopping short of making extravagant claims about things. Also has episodes that are more like cultural observations, guy is also a musician and into music and film so you get a lot of cross analysis and interesting tidbits, again, good soundtracks. Stand out episodes: Recent ones about Freemasonry and organised crime in Britain, early ones about the Brabant killings and Gladio, and one called "the horror of policing". Also a Marxist Leninist
>Programmed to Chill
Again, parapolitics and true crime, not afraid to get into really freaky stuff, bit more out there than the other two but still very grounded . Has some really good guests on and lots of subseries that are long deep dives into subjects. Stand out episodes are a 10+ part series which is an interview with Wendy Painting, Author of Aberation in the Heartland of the Real, which goes DEEP into the Oklahoma City Bombing, the life and times of Timothy Mcveigh, his connections to intelligence and the far right, MKULTRA, and situating this in the context of intelligence agency domestic terror programs in the US. All of this is need to know information for communists in my opinion.
He also has loads of other good episodes, long series deep dives. Plus he has a nice voice and again, wide ranging broad music taste with nice musical interludes and a laid back style. Gets into humour but not so much to make it distracing, again, willing to explore really out there ideas, but not without critical distance. Guy is an American Ex Mormon. Also some kind of Marxist Leninist
>Media Roots Radio
Parapolitical but more current events focussed, brother of Abby Martin often with Abby on. Focus on debunking right wing media narratives and exposing right wing "populist" or "anti establishment" figures as frauds. Very US focussed. This is interspersed with some really good deep dives, such as into the 2001 Anthrax Attacks and A comprehensive history of Freemasonry in the United States. Some kind of libertarian socialist but still in defence of AES kinda people. Huge back catalogue. Also good film, TV and music analysis.
>Eyes Left