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A Nazi parade in Gera, Germany, was greeted with circus clown music... [WquPxrkfUJM].webm
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Rat Snitches Knitches.webp
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All great world-historic facts appear twice: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.

Grab some popcorn and post fascist fail. From the desperate displays of their cringey recruits, to the vicious infighting and hypocrite purity-spiraling, the dumb clown gang never fails to entertain.

About to post another neo-Nazi pedophile? We already have a thread for them! >>>/praxis/3
Replies: >>648
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Status: Punched.webp
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Pride Gurls vs. Proud Bois.webp
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Proud Boys Cringe Compilation (extract) [Ksrd7QSqvP4].webm
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Let's start with some Proud Boys.
>full of informants
>weird performative 'masculinity' which just makes people laugh at them
>hipster creator got scared and left
>exploded into regional groups after informants revealed
>basically just attend drag shows
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opsec fail.webp
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One of them published a big collection of dox in Portland which ended up revealing their own dox. Imagine being this much of a nerd AND a former librarian IT leader, and still fucking up your metadata.
true comedy.mp4
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>mfw Tarrio and Biggs got 22 and 17 years in jail, despite being informants
Replies: >>623
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The second and third are from Sacramento. It gets even better.
>Once the story hour had concluded and most of the families were on their way home, the far-Right started to retreat down Franklin Blvd. with the police following, still intent on protecting them. Much of the crowd pursued, and when the far-Right split up to get back to their vehicles, each had a group of protesters chasing after them. Some fascists managed to make it safely to their cars, and others weren’t so lucky. Footage shows one Proud Boy laid out on the sidewalk, and the neo-Nazi in the Swastika T-shirt [left in picrel] was chased for blocks until he took shelter in a nearby Chinese restaurant. There, police barricaded him inside for his own safety while a group of 15-20 angry community members waited outside. Several people from the laundromat next door joined in, and the Nazi’s Uber driver drove off without him once he was told what was going on. Eventually, the Nazi was escorted out in a police car.
No Uber for der Übermensch?
Replies: >>624
white aryan soldier.webp
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hmm yes merging of cultures, peak nationalism.webp
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haha im so quirky. spork!!.webp
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Spoiler File
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>finally made a dedicated thread for this
Good work comr8

For something a bit different, I started checking out some Tom Tanuki videos. They're an antifascist journalist over in Australia, so instead of the Patriot Front, they've got the National Socialist Network (aka. Groomerwaffen SS). The group is thoroughly infiltrated, constantly embarrassing themselves and getting beaten whenever they're in public. They were also rejected by the Christchurch shooter who they tried to recruit beforehand.

Two of their recent videos have been quick overviews of a couple of prominent lolcows associated with the NSN:
- Brown Greek White Nazi (Stefan Eracleous)
Must-watch. Small non-White orbiter desperately tries to join the NSN, doing loony shit like "BBQ Nationalism" and putting nazi stickers in the tunnels of childrens' playgrounds. This guy goes from loss to loss, not going to spoil the two big ones but they're fucking gold. Because of that they've finally been excommunicated and the NSN are threatening to go to his house to assault him.
(If you want to skip the little lecture about purity-spiraling, start at 5:50)

- Auspill Klesom Guy
A dead-eyed obvious grifter with links to the NSN, and who co-publishes an antifa-doxing twitter account, despite being extremely doxable. I don't want to spoil the reveal. The video does a solid build-up and it's worth it. But let's say this person is the kind of 'degenerate deviant' Nazis (theoretically) want to throw in a camp. And a lot of liberals too, for that matter.

The NSN itself, however, is a goldmine and I'll have to make more posts about Tom Sewer and the turds.
Replies: >>617 >>641
>that favourites list
Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?
Replies: >>618
justin please stop.webp
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speaking of powerlevels
Not even feds like snitches.
Look, I seriously hope you all wouldn't even consider being a rat, but the lesson is clear.
>No Uber for der Übermensch?
No rides for Reichlets.

Maybe the rider was only ditching them because they saw an angry mob and didn't want to deal with that, sure, but even then there's power in making sure Nazis don't associate with people. Pubs/bars and tattoo artists know that – serve a Nazi, and you're now a Nazi bar.
Replies: >>625
Absolutely. Make tolerating Nazis intolerable. Little pains for them build up if they can't go to bars, can't play at venues, can't buy properties, get fired from jobs, lose friends and family, and these rejections have a real psychological and logistical impact.
Replies: >>626 >>627 >>642
oops where'd your mask go? ha ha.webm
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unmasking in idaho.webp
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YARDing the NSN.webp
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Look at groups like Patriot Front and the NSN who, by default, balaclava up or black bloc.
Anarchists generally black bloc when they're going out to commit crimes. Fair enough, that's what it's for. They're hiding from police violence, or in some cases, far-right extremists who historically have murdered or plotted to murder anitfacists. But these neo-Nazis, they're hiding from the community. Masks are their daily public uniform, they hide when they're marching down the streets in another state, they hide when they're protesting against drag shows, they hide when they attend right-wing unity rallies. They are alien to the communities they're in (in many cases literally; they are arriving from other states of the country. But I mean it figuratively). They're so alien that their fellow reactionaries insist they are feds. Vidrel is the fucking Proud Boys unmasking neo-Nazis (Rose City Nationalists, founded by a Patriot Front member and borrowing heavily from them). When unmasked, many of them deny and insist they're not neo-Nazis, and many lose their jobs because being a Nazi is unacceptable to public relations.
That's a sign of success, when a society has made being a Nazi something to hide, something that ostracizes people.
Replies: >>638 >>642
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joel davis whining to british nonces.mp4
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>these rejections have a real psychological and logistical impact.
But don't take it from us! Listen to these glowing testimonies!
Replies: >>649
>proud boys unmasking patriot front faction
Hahaha fascist infighting is great. I checked the news articles and they're saying "proud boys started beating rose city nats up and calling them racists. Both groups are known for their racism." Chef's kiss.
"Wait! They're not Whites, they're Italians!".webp
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>greek guy putting up "for the white man" stickers
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You know it's going badly for them when they tried to sue a guy for infiltrating.

Look at this:
>caused Gancarz’s termination from his employment as a civil engineer, where he was earning $107,000 a year
>Brown was living at his parents’ home and working as an electrician’s assistant earning approximately $50,000 a year [...] Brown lost his job and became estranged from his father, who required him to leave the Brown residence. Brown thus found himself without a home and without a job.
>James Johnson had been working as a union HVAC technician earning approximately $80,000 a year. [...] Their move required James Johnson to relocate his workplace and disrupted his relationship with his union, resulting in a one-third loss in his yearly income and a loss of benefits.
>These actions also resulted in [wife] Amelia Johnson bring fired from her job in which she was earning $60,000 a year and her inability to find new employment.
It's possible that just 5 doxxes put their movement back a quarter of a million dollars. Plus, some have been kicked from home, so I wonder if their alienation club felt obliged to house their martyred soldiers. Or if they just left them to fend for themselves.
Replies: >>643
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>losing them a quarter of a million dollars
Now THIS is anti-capitalism!
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Pranking fascists is a tale as old as fascism.
>>611 (OP) 
>Ratt Snitches Knitches.webp
Ah, the 'I was only pretending to be a nazi' routine? *click*

A decent amount of info collected about neo-Nazis are from conservatives who joined their fronts, like active clubs, then got cold feet about the nazi race-war terrorism talk and snitch to antifascists. So it's good that antifascists are open to defectors, but opportunists like this get the proverbial pit.
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>Oops, I said the loud part quiet and the quiet part into a microphone.
smug charlie.jpg
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There's a real poetic irony in masculinity-chauvinists like fascists getting bashed. They posture as aggressive 'proud boys' and 'moggers', build up this whole image of being the strong masters and their enemy only succeeding through sly trickery and privilege... and then get their shit kicked in by some random communist they attacked.
go home juice, you're bashed.webp
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Blooded and soiled.
Replies: >>679
>this whole time "blood and soil" was what they were going to do, not what they were fighting for
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