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A Nazi parade in Gera, Germany, was greeted with circus clown music... [WquPxrkfUJM].webm
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Ratt Snitch Knishes.webp
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All great world-historic facts appear twice: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.

Grab some popcorn and post fascist fail. From the desperate displays of their cringey recruits, to the vicious infighting and hypocrite purity-spiraling, the dumb clown gang never fails to entertain.

About to post another neo-Nazi pedophile? We already have a thread for them! >>>/praxis/3
Replies: >>648
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Status: Punched.webp
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Pride Gurls vs. Proud Bois.webp
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Proud Boys Cringe Compilation (extract) [Ksrd7QSqvP4].webm
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Let's start with some Proud Boys.
>full of informants
>weird performative 'masculinity' which just makes people laugh at them
>hipster creator got scared and left
>exploded into regional groups after informants revealed
>basically just attend drag shows
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opsec fail.webp
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One of them published a big collection of dox in Portland which ended up revealing their own dox. Imagine being this much of a nerd AND a former librarian IT leader, and still fucking up your metadata.
Replies: >>733 >>734
true comedy.mp4
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>mfw Tarrio and Biggs got 22 and 17 years in jail, despite being informants
Replies: >>623
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The second and third are from Sacramento. It gets even better.
>Once the story hour had concluded and most of the families were on their way home, the far-Right started to retreat down Franklin Blvd. with the police following, still intent on protecting them. Much of the crowd pursued, and when the far-Right split up to get back to their vehicles, each had a group of protesters chasing after them. Some fascists managed to make it safely to their cars, and others weren’t so lucky. Footage shows one Proud Boy laid out on the sidewalk, and the neo-Nazi in the Swastika T-shirt [left in picrel] was chased for blocks until he took shelter in a nearby Chinese restaurant. There, police barricaded him inside for his own safety while a group of 15-20 angry community members waited outside. Several people from the laundromat next door joined in, and the Nazi’s Uber driver drove off without him once he was told what was going on. Eventually, the Nazi was escorted out in a police car.
No Uber for der Übermensch?
Replies: >>624
white aryan soldier.webp
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hmm yes merging of cultures, peak nationalism.webp
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haha im so quirky. spork!!.webp
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Spoiler File
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>finally made a dedicated thread for this
Good work comr8

For something a bit different, I started checking out some Tom Tanuki videos. They're an antifascist journalist over in Australia, so instead of the Patriot Front, they've got the National Socialist Network (aka. Groomerwaffen SS). The group is thoroughly infiltrated, constantly embarrassing themselves and getting beaten whenever they're in public. They were also rejected by the Christchurch shooter who they tried to recruit beforehand.

Two of their recent videos have been quick overviews of a couple of prominent lolcows associated with the NSN:
- Brown Greek White Nazi (Stefan Eracleous)
Must-watch. Small non-White orbiter desperately tries to join the NSN, doing loony shit like "BBQ Nationalism" and putting nazi stickers in the tunnels of childrens' playgrounds. This guy goes from loss to loss, not going to spoil the two big ones but they're fucking gold. Because of that they've finally been excommunicated and the NSN are threatening to go to his house to assault him.
(If you want to skip the little lecture about purity-spiraling, start at 5:50)

- Auspill Klesom Guy
A dead-eyed obvious grifter with links to the NSN, and who co-publishes an antifa-doxing twitter account, despite being extremely doxable. I don't want to spoil the reveal. The video does a solid build-up and it's worth it. But let's say this person is the kind of 'degenerate deviant' Nazis (theoretically) want to throw in a camp. And a lot of liberals too, for that matter.

The NSN itself, however, is a goldmine and I'll have to make more posts about Tom Sewer and the turds.
>that favourites list
Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?
Replies: >>618
justin please stop.webp
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speaking of powerlevels
Not even feds like snitches.
Look, I seriously hope you all wouldn't even consider being a rat, but the lesson is clear.
>No Uber for der Übermensch?
No rides for Reichlets.

Maybe the rider was only ditching them because they saw an angry mob and didn't want to deal with that, sure, but even then there's power in making sure Nazis don't associate with people. Pubs/bars and tattoo artists know that – serve a Nazi, and you're now a Nazi bar.
Replies: >>625
Absolutely. Make tolerating Nazis intolerable. Little pains for them build up if they can't go to bars, can't play at venues, can't buy properties, get fired from jobs, lose friends and family, and these rejections have a real psychological and logistical impact.
Replies: >>626 >>627 >>642
oops where'd your mask go? ha ha.webm
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unmasking in idaho.webp
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YARDing the NSN.webp
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Look at groups like Patriot Front and the NSN who, by default, balaclava up or black bloc.
Anarchists generally black bloc when they're going out to commit crimes. Fair enough, that's what it's for. They're hiding from police violence, or in some cases, far-right extremists who historically have murdered or plotted to murder anitfacists. But these neo-Nazis, they're hiding from the community. Masks are their daily public uniform, they hide when they're marching down the streets in another state, they hide when they're protesting against drag shows, they hide when they attend right-wing unity rallies. They are alien to the communities they're in (in many cases literally; they are arriving from other states of the country. But I mean it figuratively). They're so alien that their fellow reactionaries insist they are feds. Vidrel is the fucking Proud Boys unmasking neo-Nazis (Rose City Nationalists, founded by a Patriot Front member and borrowing heavily from them). When unmasked, many of them deny and insist they're not neo-Nazis, and many lose their jobs because being a Nazi is unacceptable to public relations.
That's a sign of success, when a society has made being a Nazi something to hide, something that ostracizes people.
Replies: >>638 >>642 >>1025
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joel davis whining to british nonces.mp4
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>these rejections have a real psychological and logistical impact.
But don't take it from us! Listen to these glowing testimonies!
Replies: >>649
>proud boys unmasking patriot front faction
Hahaha fascist infighting is great. I checked the news articles and they're saying "proud boys started beating rose city nats up and calling them racists. Both groups are known for their racism." Chef's kiss.
"Wait! They're not Whites, they're Italians!".webp
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>greek guy putting up "for the white man" stickers
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You know it's going badly for them when they tried to sue a guy for infiltrating.

Look at this:
>caused Gancarz’s termination from his employment as a civil engineer, where he was earning $107,000 a year
>Brown was living at his parents’ home and working as an electrician’s assistant earning approximately $50,000 a year [...] Brown lost his job and became estranged from his father, who required him to leave the Brown residence. Brown thus found himself without a home and without a job.
>James Johnson had been working as a union HVAC technician earning approximately $80,000 a year. [...] Their move required James Johnson to relocate his workplace and disrupted his relationship with his union, resulting in a one-third loss in his yearly income and a loss of benefits.
>These actions also resulted in [wife] Amelia Johnson bring fired from her job in which she was earning $60,000 a year and her inability to find new employment.
It's possible that just 5 doxxes put their movement back a quarter of a million dollars. Plus, some have been kicked from home, so I wonder if their alienation club felt obliged to house their martyred soldiers. Or if they just left them to fend for themselves.
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>losing them a quarter of a million dollars
Now THIS is anti-capitalism!
Replies: >>998
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Pranking fascists is a tale as old as fascism.
>>611 (OP) 
>Ratt Snitch Knishes.webp
Ah, the 'I was only pretending to be a nazi' routine? *click*

A decent amount of info collected about neo-Nazis are from conservatives who joined their fronts, like active clubs, then got cold feet about the nazi race-war terrorism talk and snitch to antifascists. So it's good that antifascists are open to defectors, but opportunists like this get the proverbial pit.
Replies: >>848 >>901
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>Oops, I said the loud part quiet and the quiet part into a microphone.
smug charlie.jpg
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There's a real poetic irony in masculinity-chauvinists like fascists getting bashed. They posture as aggressive 'proud boys' and 'moggers', build up this whole image of being the strong masters and their enemy only succeeding through sly trickery and privilege... and then get their shit kicked in by some random communist they attacked.
Replies: >>701 >>702
go home juice, you're bashed.webp
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Blooded and soiled.
Replies: >>679 >>849 >>1056
>this whole time "blood and soil" was what they were going to do, not what they were fighting for
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>people host event
>other people go to event
>crash the event to threaten people
>"I came here to help people, not get the shit beaten out of me."
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Gave the "TOTAL ARYAN FAILURE" vid a watch. What an absolute optics catastrophe.
Replies: >>703
Their whole image, that 'optics'-centric focus is one of the main reasons why the fight is asymmetric (other being that everyone else hates nazis lol).
So when antifascists use black bloc and gets called violent and ISIS terrorists or whatever, that's one thing. But when an organized group uses that as their uniform and calls themselves the True Patriots, while standing by themselves in the most alienating outfit possible, it's a joke. When they adapt our tactics, it doesn't work for them.
We're not hiding from society. We're part the society. We don't have to stand in a small group by ourselves even if we're throwing bricks. They can't get our bosses to fire us by saying we harass nazis. They can't give anti-nazi sentiment 'bad optics' when people hide their faces occasionally. We don't even need optics, the nazi threat of oppression alone grows our movement. But their recruitment tactics are fragile, their strategy is based on projecting power. And all it takes is them getting mocked or beaten to shatter that big man delusion.
groomerwaffen SS.webp
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>Mog your enemies!
<one lone antifa guy cucks them all only using the power of aussie banter
<shoved down steps and pepper sprayed by the pigs
<shamed to tears by antifascists just calling out their names and talking about their lives
<TRVE ALPHA LEADER gets emasculated by a can of soup from the crowd
<even the anti-vaxers don't want to hang with them
<bullied in the car park and left begging for donations afterwards
>enemy status: unmogged
I think this is even worse than Patriot Front's fail in Washington D.C. or them getting beaten into retreat in Philly.
Replies: >>704
mastur race.jpg
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>i hope tom wont send autistic lads to the camps like adolph did
10/10 comr8

If the autistic people and lumpen outlaws filling neo-nazi groups considered what nazis did to people like them, the movement would evaporate. It feels like all you really need to destroy a fash org is to reveal their leader is secretly a degenerate, snitch or thieving grifter.
Replies: >>706 >>708
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Speaking of Patriot Fail, a comrade in the podcasts thread mentioned a Nazi drama pod which had an episode about them, with a former member airing their laundry. >>538
Some of the highlights:
>>leader is a 'trust fund kid' (the middle class strikes again!)
>>stopped allowing teenagers due to a 'homosexual femboy' fiasco
>>stopped allowing women when two of three snitched (one of them cheating on a member)
>>intentionally did some of their flash actions at 6 in the morning to avoid police and antifas
>>some incompetent fucker organized an action in Bunker Hill (?), Colorado, an 'antifa hive' where apparently the entire neighborhood is antifa, and one of the PF members almost got hit by a train due to the colossal tactical failure
>someone 'spent the money on drugs'
Replies: >>889 >>899
Half of them would unironically agree that they should be exterminated
Replies: >>731 >>890
>If the autistic people and lumpen outlaws filling neo-nazi groups considered what nazis did to people like them
They don't even believe that it happened, they think it's a conspiracy. To destroy a fascist organisation, you just need to properly socialise a lot of those people.
Replies: >>731
wow so relatable derek.webp
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The boojer the are, the harder they fall.
Replies: >>761
Nicky Crane.webp
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It's impressive how many stories there are out there where people are recrooted into racist movements as alienated teens, then dropping it after having real, meaningful interactions and empathy with their assigned-enemies.
I just learned of Nicky Crane, the British Movement street-fighting poster boy who later came to terms with their homosexuality in their 20s. There was clearly a period where they denied the contradictions and lived as a neo-nazi fighter and a frequenter of the gay scene, even working as a bouncer. (nazi tattoos could be explained away as shallow hyper-masculinity fetishism or former skinhead past life)
They were eventually exposed in an antifa zine which neo-Nazis would all read to see if they were mentioned, and they all ended up just being in denial about Crane's gay side until a while later when Crane finally denounced nazism and went full anti-racism.
>A number of factors allowed Crane to brush off the report, Pearce says. Firstly, homosexuality was indelibly associated with effeminacy by the far right, and Crane was the very opposite of effeminate.
>Secondly, no-one wanted to be seen to believe Searchlight [zine] above the word of a committed soldier for the Aryan cause.
>Thirdly, on the most basic level, everyone was afraid of being beaten up by Crane if they challenged him.
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>Remember, all of this was gained from my mad OSINT skills and their inept use of social media.
>And Facebook had different settings back then. FB has closed most of the holes I used to use.

This idiot really dropped the line 'my mad OSINT skills' while accidentally uploading their own dox.
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yo that guy died in a fire a couple of years ago.
unfortunately some antifa kiddies vandalized their house after they moved out, but they clearly terrorized chudwick enough that at their new place '[a] neighbor said he had security cameras and trip wires installed on this property.'
articles say they went insane, threatened to harm their wife and children, assaulted a neighbor, went inside refusing to come out and then the house ignited.
Cops say suicide, Pride Bois convinced it's a revenge murder. Perfect!
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Replies: >>768 >>769
The insane things these idiots will say when they're angry is just amazing. "God given right as a country and race to think and believe what we wish", it really unveils the syncretic nonsensical blend of themes inside their head.
Replies: >>777
bros dressed like rex kwon do
Replies: >>770
Gotta love the childish skull pants and schizoformatting shirt.
Yes and no right. i mean ok It depends on how they define god and what are their attributes. Like you know, the Bible god who one day talks of love and the other day says its ok to invade and kill for their own people. Theyre loonies anyway and i stopped trying to get into their heads years ago. not worth the time.
Replies: >>786
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> i mean ok It depends on how they define god and what are their attributes.
Yes, and when it gets to the point they've defined god as [paraphrasing that quote:] giving the White Americans specifically the right to free thought, it's gone off the rails. Beyond even Mormonism.
Gary, the Cryptofascist.webp
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>Ah, the 'I was only pretending to be a nazi' routine?
A cryptofascist's self-defense. They know most people hate them.
>tactical vest LARP
>oops no helmet
Looks like optics weren't enough to save 'em.
Replies: >>854
Relaying an update from late September:
>The judge ruled previously that plaintiffs had until February 2024 to serve the defendant or the case is dismissed. The fasists never served the defendant, and now they're back in court seven months later asking to use "alternative" means to serve the defendant.
>The alternative means is to run an ad in a newspaper in the county that the fascists believe the defendant is living in, even though, they have no idea where this defendant is living.
>The judge didn't approve the use of alternative service methods, but he gave the fascists 14 days to prove that he should approve their request.

In other (old) news, PF are being taken to court for assaulting a man in Boston last year.
>The goal of the lawsuit is not just justice and accountability, said Licha Nyiendo, the chief legal officer at Human Rights First, which is backing Murrell in the lawsuit, but to bankrupt Patriot Front. “Our goal is to decimate this extremist group,” she said, “and bring a national spotlight to the dangers of their extremist ideology.”
Well, that's nice and blunt.
Replies: >>1013
He's uh become kind of a symbol.webp
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conte perp walk.jpeg
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Ah, we haven't talked about the now-defunct National Justice Party (NJP) Nationalist Coalition and The Right Stuff podcast, "which was run by neo-Nazi podcast ‘celebrities’ that seemingly pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars from their white supremacist supporters." (neo-fash embezzling their supporters? Say it ain't so! >>616 )
>The internecine Nazi slapfest spilled out into the public square via drunken podcast appearances, bitter social media feuds, and insider leaks. As former friends trip over themselves to dox and discredit each other, insiders have been selectively leaking material which shines a harsh spotlight on the whole tawdry affair.
>NJP's successor was the short-lived Nationalist Coalition which abruptly folded when their founding membership roster was leaked.

There's a lot of shenanigans to dig into, so this post can't cover it all. Some highlights from the most recent part of Anonymous Comrades Collective's investigation:
>For starters, the National Justice Party was not even a legitimate political party. They were set up as a very much 'for-profit' limited liability company (LLC), never took any meaningful steps towards being a legitimate political entity, and never so much as put forth a single candidate for any sort of elected office. The only real resemblance they bore to conventional political parties is reflected in how much of their energy went towards fundraising. Between member dues and other donations, NJP raised well over a million dollars.
>National Justice Party founding member Michael McKevitt [...] [and his wife Allyson] led the National Justice Party's 'Evergreen' women's organisation.
>The beginnings of the collapse of the National Justice Party cannot be pinned on just one person. The unravelling actually seems to have started with three… a threesome, to be exact. Rumours had been circulating for some time about some shady sexual shenanigans regarding Michael McKevitt and his wife Allyson. Apparently the McKevitt’s used their influential positions within NJP and 'Evergreen' to facilitate threesomes with impressionable followers. Accusations of grooming flew but as far as we can tell this seems to involve a bunch of consenting Nazi adults. Given the previously high tolerance previously shown towards the sexual peccadilloes of key members like John Metz aka Jack McKraken and James Kreger/Karlsson, the selective outrage at the McKevitt's consensual ménage à trois was likely a ginned up pretext for lowering overhead.
>McKevitt, for his part, took this as an opportunity for some truly epic oversharing about his sex life, admitting to the threesome, but clarifying that it technically 'isn't adultery' and was an isolated incident.
>While salacious on the sex stuff, the real revelation in McKevitt's mea culpa was that the National Justice Party are a bunch of catty backstabbers who truly hate each other.

A dump of alleged donors: https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2024/09/27/a-fool-and-their-money-insider-leaks-reveal-alleged-national-justice-party-donors/
>There were at least two members of the legal profession who appear on the list. 69-year-old Chicago attorney William Malan is allegedly one of the donors to the neo-Nazi National Justice Party and has himself run for office as Libertarian party candidate for Illinois Attorney General where his pathetic 1.5% electoral [trailing last behind the Green Party] showing can be held up as better than anything actually accomplished by the NJP.
>Another name on the list was 54-year-old Michigan lawyer David Leonard Wisz, who ran as a Republican for local office. He has had his law licence suspended multiple times and was involved in some seriously creepy stalker shit during his divorce where he sewed a recording device into his own child's clothing to spy on their therapy sessions.
It's been said before here and elsewhere, and it's worth saying again – fascist tactics are largely about intimidation through strength. If you're a paramilitary group or a dozen thugs surprising people then it might work. If you're a few losers out in public, you're gonna get bashed. Even the ex-military grunts go down.
Replies: >>884 >>891
>If you're a few losers out in public
well, until the police bodyguard them.
michigan y'allqaeda.jpeg
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scrappy bunch of femboys.webp
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Every time I see a picture of fascits, even their own propaganda photo ops, they just look like edgy nerds. If they're lucky, there's one or two big guys, but even then they only highlight how scrawny and disorganised the rest are.
It comes off like pic1rel, you're lucky if they even have a consistent uniform, let alone any basic discipline. They present like scappy arbeitsscheu street thugs at best, but more often, nerdy live-action roleplayers trying desperately to fit in.
Look at pic 2. There's not a single part of that picture that suggests a unified force or training, beyond 'uhh wear all black clothes, sunglasses and a mask'. That works (tactically) for anarchists. It does not work for a pseudo-paramilitary who masturbate over optics and projection of strength. I'd be more scared if they were in Adidas gopnik clothes.
Replies: >>889 >>896
yep. the podcast in >>705 is basically an ex-military guy saying "i can fix him" for two years. nah, you desperate motherfucker, this aint Mulan.
oh no! it's 'the moops'.webp
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Yep. There's a real contingent of the alt-right who will flip-flop their beliefs just to 'win' an argument, even if it means taking a ridiculous unserious position, just to own da left. And sometimes it's not even ironic, even if unserious, like "I should be exterminated but that's a sacrifice I would make for the whoite race". You know that's not true, they would sooner turn and run than take a single punch, but their syncretic mess of values can superpose a temporary sincere belief in that idea at that time. They don't (can't) have a cohesive worldview which stands up to scrutiny. Their mere existence as a hypocritical neo-Nazi contradicts it. So, most likely, like a liberal, they have internalised ideological values that 'win arguments' but don't really think about them and their contradictions, and can switch between them without thinking they're being insincere or stupid.
There's a theory that this develops well in online places such as chan boards, where ones values can be fluid in anon culture, so it's unusual to be called out on inconsistency and contradiction and refine a reasonable worldview. You can just make shit up to troll someone arguing with you, truth and analysis are liabilities.
23292 - ansna german_federal_republic germany meta_video michael_kühnen nazi.mp4
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Absolutely. Bash them before they can consolidate and outnumber antifascist militants.
Oops, all degenerates!.webp
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Horrible propaganda. Absolute beta energy. I can't even stop laughing.
Replies: >>900
>It's possible that just 5 doxxes put their movement back a quarter of a million dollars.
If the antifash do a good job and the cards fall in the right places, it could even be that much per year.
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Holy shit, lots of stuff here I didn't know about.
I also managed to miss that Patriot Front had a car crash on 28 Feb 2021 with one of their members dying.
>According to a timeline established through leaked documents and sources familiar with the circumstances of the accident, the crash came at the end of a flurry of flyer distribution, vandalism and rallies targeting Utah in February 2021. Later, Patriot Front had to contend with online accusations that the accident was a result of Rousseau pushing members too hard in his efforts to propagandize and recruit in the state, a claim that Rousseau emphatically denied in leaked internal Patriot Front communications.
>Patriot Front have never publicly acknowledged that the crash happened. In May 2021, on their Telegram channel, they even backdated footage of a Salt Lake City action to March 2021, a date which is difficult to reconcile with the serious injuries sustained by Rousseau on Feb. 28
Replies: >>901 >>1043
8517 - cute hammer_and_sickle laugh peaked_cap reaction_image red_army red_star soviet_union star.jpg
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Zero choreography. This isn't even the 'off the record' stuff like PatriotFail leaks.
Replies: >>946
And probably also just dramashit, like someone bitter they were kicked out of a group, or inter-group wrecking. The article in >>899 even touches on this:
>On Dec. 8, 2021, members posted a screenshot to the group’s internal chat showing comments on [Odysee] from someone posting under the name Vincent Washington, who presented himself as having inside knowledge of the group and the incident.
>The poster suggested that Rousseau had downplayed the extent of his injuries within Patriot Front, writing that “Thomas was in a coma for a few days. … Thomas was in a wheelchair shitting in a bag. … Patrick NY had to change Thomas’s shit bag.”
>In the chats, Rousseau characterized the poster as “an ex-member who is siding with anything but us because he’s upset he got removed years ago,” and denied most of the claims made in the thread, including the accusation that he shared responsibility with Stoneburner for the accident.
the perpertrator was known to law enforcement.webp
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I looked this group up and found the big joint media infiltration. Had to laugh at this line.
>infiltrated by antifas
>infiltrated by mainstream journalists
>infiltrated by feds
l'mao nice secret club, wankers
Replies: >>954 >>1025 >>1033
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holy shit i cant even.mp4
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>This isn't even the 'off the record' stuff like PatriotFail leaks.
There were a couple of interesting videos from an antifa group analyzing PF's boxing and shield training, basically just explaining how crap their training was and why their shields are bad for fighting anyone with basic theory like that which the video supplies.
From these, you wouldn't guess that any ex-military were even in the group.

Some more little highlight clips:
Replies: >>973 >>974
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>they tried to hold a neo-nazi talk last week
>in a Polish club
haha I can't even
Replies: >>982
d- drugs are bad, m'kay.webp
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>everyone just waiting to see which way the leader turns
>the absolute room-temp who turns the wrong way
shirtrel. I actually think it's worse that they're not on drugs.
Replies: >>974
I honestly can't understand how people can be so incompetent with basic things. I seriously don't know anyone this dumb, and I know some pretty silly people. It makes me want to know more.
My guess is that one very special person went way too hard on drugs and instead of 'finding Jesus', they found Hitler.
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Since the venue cancelled, the event was hosted last-minute at their head office, which was smashed and sprayed in time for Christmas. They just can't stop losing.
Replies: >>995
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wow you cant even wave at friends any more.mp4
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>“Australian actor Damien Richardson has been charged with performing a Nazi salute at an event in Melbourne.”
The pathetic clown then wimped out at that even and claimed their defiant salute was just them waving at friends, oh no they freeze framed me out of context, I'm an innocent victim. I definitely wasn't talking about Adolf Hitler and referencing the law I broke while breaking it!
In front of their own audience too. What a coward. It's fun to see how chickenshit Nazis really are.
Replies: >>996 >>1023
But don't worry, it's legal if you're a police officer.
>A police sergeant who allegedly performed two Nazi salutes in front of colleagues at the police academy will not be charged despite the gesture being banned in Victoria, the force says.
>The 65-year-old woman, who has been in the force for 40 years, was suspended with pay last October, after police launched a criminal investigation into the two incidents [on consecutive days] in which she allegedly approached other employees, performed the salute and said “Heil Hitler”.
>Victoria police say they received advice from the Office of Public Prosecutions that there is ‘no reasonable prospect of conviction’ in relation to the officer,
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Logistical damage is an important weapon. They can pose as tough guys all they want, but if their booj and richer proles are scared to back them, that makes their struggle materially harder.

Speaking of which, a UK group had their assets frozen a couple of days ago.
>The designation extends to all parts of Blood and Honour including any aliases it operates under e.g. 28 Radio and Combat 18.
before_the_match_between_rotweiss_essen_vs_vfb (compressed).webm
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144 - anarchism egoism football friend glasses hug impact_font max_stirner nationalism spooks.png
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>Before the match between Rot-Weiss Essen vs. VfB Stuttgart II, a minute of silence for the victims of the Christmas market attack in Magdeburg was disturbed by a spectator yelling "Deutschland den Deutschen" (Germany for Germans). The stadium promptly responds with "Nazis raus!" (Nazis out!) chants.

>The 57-year-old fan who made the racist comment was escorted from the stadium by police and banned from attending future matches. Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident.
>Rot-Weiss Essen’s press spokesperson, Henrik Lerch, expressed support for the crowd’s response, calling it an appropriate and necessary stand against racism.
Replies: >>1005 >>1031 >>1049
Damn the whole stadium joined in on that I thought it would just be a small group
Replies: >>1006
Celtics vs. Lazio.webp
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Same. Plus, a quick check seems neither team is from a left-leaning area, as far as elections go. Compare that with other teams with antifascist ultras like the Celtics or St. Pauli.
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>In other (old) news, PF are being taken to court for assaulting a man in Boston last year.
>The civil judgement was based on six counts, ranging from “a private conspiracy to deny the equal protection of the laws,” to violations of the Massachusetts Civil Rights Act, to “civil assault and battery,” as well as “intentional infliction of emotional distress.” 

>The court awarded Murrell $25,000 for his bodily injuries, $500,000 for psychological distress, $230,000 for lost earnings, and imposed $2 million in punitive damages — a total $2,755,000 — plus attorneys fees. The ruling was entered as a “default judgment,” because Patriot Front failed to appear in court to contest the lawsuit. The court found that “Rousseau and Patriot Front are jointly and severally liable” for the damages.

>The judge ruled that punitive damages were “necessary to deter similar acts in the future” — reflecting that the Patriot Front’s remorseless attack had occurred at “Rousseau’s encouragement,” and that “Patriot Front and Rousseau glorified the attack” by posting a video clip of “the group pinning Murrell against the light post” to promote what the judge described as “the view that non-white individuals like Murrell should be subordinated to white people.”
'''crypto'''fascism fail.webm
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Replies: >>1023
I'm having a great time laughing at all the pathetic attempts at rationalizing it.
>mosk was really just grabbing his heart and throwing it out to us with a palm-down and straight arm haven't you ever seen someone throwing before?
>ackchually thats not a nazi salute thats a 2000 year old gesture from the ancient society nazis modeled their aesthetics on
If they want to sanewash this pathetic facade, they'd better send someone better.

oh don't worry they were waving to someone in the back row like >>995 was oops our bad
New infiltration just dropped.

>[Patriotic Alternative] should be banned and some members investigated by police, the BBC has been told, after we secretly filmed people in the group saying migrants should be shot.
>An undercover BBC reporter spent a year investigating the far-right group and its members were recorded using racial slurs.
(oh come on BBC, 'using racial slurs', you later talk about these fascists claiming they're "buying a pump-action shotgun now", destroying evidence of crimes, advocating 1920s NSDAP tactics, calling for mass extermination, but oh fug they said a bad word)

This, again, illustrates one of the problems with the Nazi/fascist organisation strategy: they're two-faced.

Consider most socialist orgs. They're basically the same in public as they are in private. Maybe there's some slight change in rhetoric to cater to their audience, but largely, they're sincere and open about their views. There's nothing to hide from (liberal) police, because this is a mass movement strategy. An undercover cop could walk into your meetings and there's really no game-changing information they would gain.

Neo-Nazis, on the other hand, generally present a facade of civility and non-violence which does not match their group on the inside. Behind the closed doors, this mask is dropped, and suddenly it's all heil-hitler-race-terror-now-buy-guns fedbait.
A big problem with this is that some of the teenagers they groom grow up, and the conservative liberals who thought they were just a racist protest group realise this is a genocide and terrorism cult, and they end up flipping or snitching. Many such cases.
Another is that if they want to grow to a substantial size, they must either live in debilitating paranoia or risk an infiltrator revealing their organisation's true self. Or, more likely, both, where they end up alienating themselves with paranoid anonymity but get infiltrated and identified anyway! See >>626
Replies: >>1028
Not only do they get identified, but their false sense of security (encouraged by their futile paper-thin defence strategy) actually leads them to confess to crimes and general repulsiveness to anyone who manages to get in. And I think some aspects of this are inherent to their ideology being so revoluting and unpopular, they can't really replicate anarchist or socialist tactics because they rely on actually fighting for the masses of workers, not just an ever-shrinking subset of the ones they like.
Based as fuck. Never let them forget that society hates them.
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New infiltration just dropped, this time from a local (mega-corp owned) paper, the Adelaide Advertiser, who infiltrated the South Australia branch.
Bluesky summary from Aus antifash researchers: https://bsky.app/profile/whiterosesociety.bsky.social/post/3lgjt5y4zxk2w
Paywall: https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/sa-chapter-of-the-national-socialist-network-trying-to-buy-fleurieu-property-to-create-whites-only-commune/news-story/9bfa2c5418be46a546a94c1b125a043c

<article's main image is Elon salute lol
>A five-month undercover investigation by The Advertiser infiltrated the SA chapter of the National Socialist Network and uncovered how members of the far-right extremist group are trying to pool resources to buy a compound in the Fleurieu Peninsula to start a “whites only” compound – the property once owned by doomsday cult Agape Ministries.
Out with the old cult, in with the new cult.
>The NSN is Australia’s largest far-right group, now with 30 members in Adelaide 
HAHAHAHA 30 rofl+mao
That's enough of a gang to start shit but those are still bashable numbers at an event, especially considering some will be finance booj who don't want to risk their income by getting arrested and dox'd.

Also they're doing dodgy shit to circumvent restrictions and laws so enjoy that being published.
Replies: >>1035
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A couple of hours after you posted this, the South Australian police arrested a bunch of them in Adelaide when they tried to make a fuss on a nationalist holiday. Apparently they split up into groups to try and avoid arrest but still got snatched.

>16 arrested
>15 aren't even from South Australia
Not a good look, fellas.

Arrests include their leader Tom Sewer and a Western Australian moron who displayed a swastika.
Replies: >>1038
>Tom Sewer
Hi my name is Rob Dumpster
Replies: >>1040
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spoken like a true leader.webp
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I just call them that because they're full of shit.
>In May 2021, on their Telegram channel, they even backdated footage of a Salt Lake City action to March 2021, a date which is difficult to reconcile with the serious injuries sustained by Rousseau on Feb. 28
What a chicken shit 'leader'.
The Joel Davis post above has him complaining that 200 people yelling at them is terrifying, imagine a whole stadium telling you to fuck off.
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Collectors edition
Replies: >>1057
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