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Nothing ever happens. And if it happens, it's a nothingburger. And if its a somethingburger, im not part of it. And if.webp
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This is a thread for discussing the reactions to the assassination of UHC CEO 🍀Brian Thompson🍀, our part in them, and how we as socialists can learn from this and prepare agitprop tactics for the next foreseeable happenings.
This is not a chat thread about the assassination itself, or for debating the merits of this kind of action. That is off-topic and should go in its own thread.
The assassination of Brian Thompson specifically may have been surprising news, but the assassination of key public figures in a widely despised industry is hardly unpredictable, just like the dozens of presidential assassination attempts over the past few terms. A sentiment I saw often was "this was inevitable".
An interesting aspect of this event was the relative popularity of support and praise for the assassination, contrasted against the out-of-touch widespread mass media denouncement of it (including alt-right figures like Ben Shapiro). It also heightened the visibility of liberalist moralist anti-violence ideology, which has now moved the needle from "Is it OK to Punch a Nazi?" to "Is it Justifiable to Assassinate Porkies?". Regardless of whether the assassination was 'good praxis' or whatever, it's ultimately an event with huge potential for anti-capitalist and anti-liberalist, socialist agitprop. And that's something this site should be interested in, as part of its intended purpose.

Some starting points for discussion:
- What do you wish was different about the socialist reactions to the assassination?
- What agitprop did you engage in?
- What resources would you have found helpful?
 _ e.g. a socialist-focused meme generator like https://georapbox.github.io/meme-generator/ or https://perguto.github.io/Meme-It/ ?
 _ Any copypastas/FAQs? (responses to common bad takes like "he was a bad man but all killing is wrong", "the tzar had a wife and kids")
- The assassin was probably not a socialist, and this was still the likely case before their alleged identity was revealed - is there any problem with pretending they were a socialist for the sake of promoting socialist ideas? What if they had turned out to be a dumb nazi whining about socialism and jews?
- What other happenings are foreseeable? Financial crashes, presidential assassinations, any others? It wouldn't be hard to pre-prepare some general meme templates for these.

See also:
>>932 /comm/ - Communication and Rhetoric
>>>/praxis/2 - /art/ - Agitprop Request Thread
Replies: >>999
Every few years, the USA has a big 'black civilian killed by cops' moment, like with Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, although such killih s happen constantly. That's an inevitable event.
>>963 (OP) 
>- What resources would you have found helpful?
> _ e.g. a socialist-focused meme generator like https://georapbox.github.io/meme-generator/ or https://perguto.github.io/Meme-It/ ?
With phoneposting becoming so normal, I wonder if these kind of tools would help bring better meme creation to more people instead of just those who learn to use image editors like Krita/Photoshop/GIMP. But personally I wouldn't know.
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