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Let's discuss techniques for effective communication, whether it's in-person, in media or online.

[If you have resources to add to this OP, suggest them and I'll edit them in]
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>how to talk to fash.webp
I found the series "The Alt-Right Playbook" interesting.
https://piped.video/channel/UC5fdssPqmmGhkhsJi4VcckA (start at the Introduction one, picrel)

Some of the episodes focus on common rhetorical cliches and the problems with naïve responses. The common theme is essentially "don't pretend there's a real marketplace of ideas going on here, they don't care if you're right, so don't play their game".
Replies: >>948
I wonder if there's useful tips in there for effective techniques against liberal thought.
For example, because casual liberalism tends to be disparate feel-good slogans instead of a cohesive ideology, it's often not hard to discover clear contradictions and then press them on them. This is especially easy if they're driven by vague ideals like freedom, good/evil and similar.
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This explorable explanation (like a minigame) was a neat quick overview of network contagion effects. It's easy to see how this translates into political consensus and how to normalize positive ideas.

Replies: >>952
Cool stuff! It shows the importance of finding socialists around you and working together to normalize it.
Replies: >>953 >>955
It's amazing what change having just one other person is. It's a lot more natural to bring up these topics with a back-and-forth than to try and steer a conversation singlehandedly.
Replies: >>955
Maybe it's the wrong way to go around it, but I wonder if dogwhistling is a tactic worth learning and using for those in more conservative environments, or in "apolitical" workplaces.
Replies: >>956 >>957
Can't hurt.
I might have said it over in another thread, but one silver lining of the red scare propaganda is that unless we're waving our flags, most people can't spot a communist to save their lives. just ask vietnam vets :^)
We're not in a situation like neo-Nazis where just stating our basic theory is anti-social and will earn an ass kicking.
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>workmates at the bar for friday drinks
>we chat with some wömen
>start talking about jobs with one of them
>i make a comment about alienation of labor, and that their enviro career actually does something useful
>they say "yeah fuck just feeding into capitalism"
>comes back later to give me their deets
I thought politics was supposed to make you less attractive wth
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