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3SF pitch.webp
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Three-sided football: DIY football and social transformationalism.pdf
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This thread is for discussion and research on Three-Sided Football (3SF), to avoid derailing /swoletariat/.

3SF is an experimental game invented by a Situationist philosopher attempting to explain their idea of triolectics (their refinement of Marxian dialectics) in a book. Three decades later, some Situationists in Glasgow decided to try the game in real life, which has since evolved into casual competitions, international world cups, youth outreach, performance art exhibitions and protests.
Partly due to its political Situationist roots, the game has been interpreted by its players in many ways. Attached is a formal social study article about the sport, where players have variously considered it an educational tool, a non-binary 'queering' of football, an anti-capitalist, autonomous, desportised rejection of mainstream football, and just a fun self-leveling game to play.

The playful counter-cultural aspect of its founders, such as the London Psychogeographical Association, the The Workshop for Non-Linear Architecture and the Association of Autonomous Astronauts, has resulted in a cryptic rabbit-hol e where there are as many serious FIFA and BBC interviews of the game as there are YouTube videos of people playing blindfolded or all tied together by a web of string, or in multiple cases being harassed by security guards. Just as one c an consider football hooliganism a subculture of two-sided football, one could consider the avant-garde Marxist satire scene as a subculture, or even major culture, of three-sided football.
S P A C E.webp
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An adventure through space and/or east London.

This was written in 1999, apparently for Goal Magazine, although showing surprising awareness of anarchist sensibilities for a professional sport reporter.
>I reckon a /tg/ board could design some experimental fun new collaboration-oriented sports if they wanted.
A few months ago I asked one of the /tg/ boards what they thought of it and it made for an interesting discussion.
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This actually seems pretty cool. The true team sport of the revolutionary!
how have I never heard of this before, I lived in Glasgow. This is crazy
Replies: >>341
Definitely have a look around, I can see someone organized a match last year in Glasgow. I think my closest comp is 1000km away so I might have to wait until I travel to get a chance.
Replies: >>358
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movin dat iron.png
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Under communism, all sports will be productive!
Replies: >>554
I found a page for a local fortnightly match in the park but it looks like it ended a few years ago. Looking around the internet, it seems most competitions are ephemeral little fringe events popping up for a couple of seasons or even a day before vanishing. Old-internet vibes.
Three Sided Football Arcade [344356433].mp4
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Someone even made a 3SF video game for an arcade bar in NYC back in 2019, now free to public and still being updated. Three minute games, although you need three controllers.
Replies: >>365
Well, this might be the closest I get to playing it for a while...
Three-sided Football and the Alternative Soccerscape: A Study of Sporting Space, Play and Activism.pdf
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This Beautiful, Tangled, Chaotic Game: On Three-Sided Football, Triolectics and World Space(s).pdf
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I found two more essays on the topic.

The first is the by the same author as the publication in the OP, however while that one is a 12 page submission to the Sport, Education and Society journal, this one is Pollock's 300 page sociology PhD study from the year before. I haven't read through it all, although it's a wonderful deep dive into the sport, understanding the philosophical and radical social aspects while also contrasting with the views of those who see that all as pretentious wank. Impressively, it covers the games across the world, including Britain, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Malaysia, Australia and Colombia. It also has some nice pictures in it.

The second is from the diˈvan art journal from the University of New South Wales. It focuses on how the game interacts with the ideas of Jorn and other Situationists' from a theoretical perspective rather than analysing the action on the ground.
Replies: >>441 >>442 >>524
>Midnight Cricket
Now that sounds like fun.
Replies: >>518
Comrade Maradona.webp
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>Miguel, of Inter Melon
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>go into the financial district and challenge them to cricket
>banter with them for an hour until the cops arrive
I don't know if it's praxis but it sure would be a great time.
It's an impressive space, seeing the way it was formed and how it adapted to various countries and social circles. It looks like some of the avant-garde packed up and went home when it crept closer to a normal crowd who didn't understand (or perhaps respect) their values and vision. Hard to say if it was futile for them to fight the recuperation of the game, or if they just didn't do it right.
Replies: >>547
Yeah, I even saw an USAmerican adaptation which may it may not be a derivative, and it's completely commercial. IIRC that even took away the 'least conceded wins' criteria which is core to redefining the sport into a collaborative mode.
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I can say the Soviets weren't trying.
Replies: >>555
Sport like this makes me think, how many competitions are actually centred around useful skills? There's nothing wrong with entertaining exercise but if it can be productive at the same time, then why not encourage it.
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