3SF pitch.webp
(15.8KB, 554x480) flier.webp
(28.8KB, 650x500) This thread is for discussion and research on Three-Sided Football (3SF), to avoid derailing /swoletariat/.
3SF is an experimental game invented by a Situationist philosopher attempting to explain their idea of triolectics (their refinement of Marxian dialectics) in a book. Three decades later, some Situationists in Glasgow decided to try the game in real life, which has since evolved into casual competitions, international world cups, youth outreach, performance art exhibitions and protests.
Partly due to its political Situationist roots, the game has been interpreted by its players in many ways. Attached is a formal social study article about the sport, where players have variously considered it an educational tool, a non-binary 'queering' of football, an anti-capitalist, autonomous, desportised rejection of mainstream football, and just a fun self-leveling game to play.
The playful counter-cultural aspect of its founders, such as the London Psychogeographical Association, the The Workshop for Non-Linear Architecture and the Association of Autonomous Astronauts, has resulted in a cryptic rabbit-hol e where there are as many serious FIFA and BBC interviews of the game as there are YouTube videos of people playing blindfolded or all tied together by a web of string, or in multiple cases being harassed by security guards. Just as one c an consider football hooliganism a subculture of two-sided football, one could consider the avant-garde Marxist satire scene as a subculture, or even major culture, of three-sided football.