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Zapatista fútbol.jpg
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We need you in top shape before the revolution, comrade! Tell us how you're cooking, playing, running, riding, rowing, swimming, lifting, and all the rest!
"We are engaged in very important business."

https://thefitness.wiki — Official wiki for r/Fitness and r/weightroom on Reddit
https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html — "The /fit/ sticky"
Replies: >>644
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Leveling up to playing 2 5v5 football leagues in 2024. I've also gotten back into regular lifting, so I'm interested to see what a game of running and kicking will be like a few hours after squats.

Since we're talking about football, have you taken the triolectics pill yet?
Replies: >>203 >>207 >>277
Trying out 5/3/1 for Beginners. Spent a day focusing purely on fixing up form so hopefully I can keep that going well. Now I just need to pick out a playlist.

A socialist's refinement of the world game. Beautiful!
Replies: >>213 >>233
Well I accidentally did 5/5/1 today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm going to colour-code my schedule to make the changes between each week obvious.
Replies: >>208
Cool game, I'm surprised the official FIFA channel didn't shy away from mentioning Situationists and capitalism.
I can't think of another sport where the form and rules encourage different teams to collaborate... unless you count tournament conspiracies like the Disgrace of Gijón. The decision to value goals conceded instead of goals scored by a team is revolutionary to the game, and I don't think it's a stretch to draw an analogy to the relation between social structure and economics and the impact it has on society.
Tabletop games have explored games with three (or more) teams for at least 300 years and modern ones surely would have explored game theory so thoroughly I reckon a /tg/ board could design some experimental fun new collaboration-oriented sports if they wanted.
Replies: >>279
Mr. Worldwide.webp
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>I reckon a /tg/ board could design some experimental fun new collaboration-oriented sports if they wanted.
I wonder how such a thing would affect nationalism and society if it became popular.
As I'm thinking about it, I'm noticing more and more problems around sport as-we-know-it. Keep in mind, professional sport is one of the main circuses of society, its reach is not trivial. Sports seem to ingrain rivalries (and not just the fun and friendly type) and foster nationalism. Crowd violence and hooliganism is a global phenomenon. I wonder how much of this is all driven by the irreconcilable zero-sum competitiveness of conventional sport.
now we chillin'.webp
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Finally, enough fridge space and decent-sized pots to make meals in bulk and freeze homemade soups and sauces!
Replies: >>210 >>211 >>242
Honestly this thread could use a sister thread for efficient organization in general. But not 'Organisation General', it needs another name. Any ideas?
Replies: >>211
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It's also better for the fridge to re-organize. Better airflow, less power needed to maintain temperature, less food wastage. Getting that stuff right saves you money.
Protip: dairy, fresh juice and other heat-sensitive stuff shouldn't go in the door, that's the warmest part.

Probably doesn't need a separate thread to this one just yet, seeing as this is /social/ and not a general discussion board.
The Discipline of Do Easy — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pjQ0FNzkLQ
I currently have other priorities and was out with a knee injury for a year, so I'm doing a very basic calisthenics program combined with loooooads of mobility work. 


basically doing everything this guy says, plus also some stuff from Athlene X channel with Jeff Cavalier and a couple other bits. 

My shoulders and knee have never felt this good, feel way better than even before I injured them+ my mobility is way better so I know once I get back to lifting my form is gonna be that much better and no doubt strength/gains will also be positively affected. 

In terms of a program as I said its very basic, 5 sets of pull ups and deficit push ups mon,wed,fri adding reps each time, will add weight eventually, doing inverted rows and assisted handstand push ups on tuesday and thursday. Also on tuesday, thursday and saturday doing my leg rehab stuff. Gonna start jogging soon. 

In terms of other wellness stuff, I quit smoking just at the end of last year, 2024 gonna be my first completely smoke free year since I was like 15. I'm also trying to get my phone time down to less than an hour a day, hitting that so far, so might try to get it down to less than 45, then less than half an hour. 

My diet is: morning- porridge, blueberries, rasperies, spoonful of greek yoghurt on top, then 3 fried eggs. Lunch/Dinner are more varied, but a lot of chicken, salmon, sweet potatoes, asparagus, broccoli mostly. I also make a lot of curry. Steaks when I feeling bougie. Tuna pasta when I'm feeling lazy.

Once I've finished my other stuff gonna get back to weights, I was at 160 deadlift 18 months ago so want to get back to that. My immediate goal though is get wall assisted parrelet hand stand push ups.
Replies: >>222 >>225 >>231
if you are a beginner I can't emphasise enough how important it is to get the form early, will save yourself a lot of time down the line and wasted effort. I would suggest incorporating some mobility stuff even if you don't think you need it right now, most people have muscle imbalances just from day to day life, there are a million benefits besides just for lifting, you will feel a lot better day to day and are less likely to experience pain from your back or something, particularly if you have a sedentary job
>I quit smoking just at the end of last year, 2024 gonna be my first completely smoke free year since I was like 15.
Stay strong, comrade!
I'm not an expert nor experienced with habitual drug use I didn't even drink coffee for fuck's sake although I've studied it briefly from an academic perspective. One thing which can get overlooked is that an addiction is not simply a chemical dependency, and I'm sure anyone who can poke holes in liberal economic arguments will have no trouble understanding this point; that society, relationships and conditions interact with the individual in complex ways. Understanding those factors can help predict and prepare for situations which could lead to relapse, like social situations where it's normalized and full of (and I'm using this term properly) psychological triggers.
But fuarrk sounds like it's an easy couple of k in savings once you pull the whole year off.
>Tuna pasta when I'm feeling lazy.
A lemon and tuna pasta (tomato or not) is a life-saver. Also you've reminded me I should get back into having greek yoghurt on my similar breakfast. My diet is improving but still a chaotic mess.

>5 sets of pull ups and deficit push ups
I got a little cocky with pushups when I was notably underweight, last year a workmate was talking about their old routine and told me surely I could do dozens, I gave them a big number then went home to find out now I'd put on so much fat (intentionally) since to get to a normal weight, I couldn't even make 10.
>then 3 fried eggs
If you've got an extra few seconds, might as well cut up some herbs and veggies and call it an omelette.
(or maybe onion for breakfast is ill-advised. some fucker I know ate garlic every morning as a traditional medicine and flipped their shit when someone finally told them they smell like rotten chlorine)
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Boss makes a dollar, we make a dime.
I go lift weights on company time.

its very lucky to have a manager who dgaf in a corp too big to notice
Replies: >>236
And now it's time to fix my sleep, because next week is gonna test my limits. The sun forces me up early so there's nothing left to do but to sleep early.
>I also make a lot of curry.
It's an easy way to get some canned beans in there, and if you've got spinach then just chuck it in. Curries are an easy win.
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I just got a progression!
Sports are going well.
Replies: >>235
I'm still figuring out how to compromise between gym three times a week and sports two times a week.
Replies: >>240
i would kill for a job like this g. Goal for this year is to find a cushy wfh job
Replies: >>238
Historically office jobs with computers have companies offering part-time wfh (e.g. one or two days a week) and I know a few people who have done retail management jumping over to logistics office jobs so it's worth looking around for opportunities and quizzing employers (or better yet, their employees)
hopefully will be fine just not doing squats on the same day as sport, since there's lots of legwork
Replies: >>243
Resting instead of risking injury kinda sucks, hey?
Replies: >>242 >>244
Having frozen stuff to fall back on is a lifesaver. Love to hear it.

It's bittersweet.
there is another option: you can go ham. I would weigh up if you want to make this your life, and also ease yourself into it, but I was a courier for a bit which meant cycling like 200km a week for the job. I still did leg days and stuff on work days. Basically you just need to eat a fucking load, you will adapt, its probably the best shape i've ever been in. 

However, this might have also been during a manic stage in my life idk how i was that motivated
Replies: >>247
worth, being out for injury sucks dicks
The unfortunate part is that the football is in a (semi-casual) competition, so I definitely don't want to play badly because I'm too tired to run and kick. I'll have to try running a couple of hours after my Friday workout to see if I can recover in time to play well.
Replies: >>250 >>306
If you do the leg day after you play will work better, just have to go less hard on the legs, but also you already went hard so it evens out. 

Of course like I said this is the extreme approach, but if you want to really focus on physicality for a bit, you could look at it like just extra opportunity
Fair enough. Once I'm confident with my consistency again (just missed a week to make sure I'm recovered), I'll try and do legs after footie. That way I won't risk burnout.
Missed two sessions, one of them I really shouldn't have missed. Got back on track today, so I'll be retrying that week.
Replies: >>268
I'm back in rhythm.
Replies: >>271
I just started running at the start of year, did 7k today. Felt pretty good. Might get myself a running goal maybe try and do a half marathon this year
Replies: >>306
based returning to rhythm. I dunno how long you've been doing it, but once you've done this a few times, it becomes way easier to just jump back into it
Replies: >>272
I've been doing it for basically a year but it wasn't very important to me so I could easily just forget about it after missing a couple and not go for a month or two.I set a couple of simple material goals on advice from a friend, and that alone has been motivating.
Replies: >>273
its really good in basically everything to have long term goals and then break them down into smaller goals. Helps with the sense of achievement.
Replies: >>275
That's true, and I've also found it particularly useful to have better goals. You'll see cheesy management mnemonics like 'SMART goals', but they do have a point:
Have a specific goal, not just 'be stonger' but, say, improve a specific exercise or body part or dietary need.
Have a measurable goal, which you can quantify. I can tell how close I am to a certain 1RM. I can't tell how close I am to 'being strong enough to dunk a riot cop'.
Make sure it's realistic, failing goals repeatedly is bad for morale.
and like you said, have a timeline, break longer ambitions into smaller achievable goals, pressure yourself to complete them by a certain time, while keeping it realistic.
I was just going to the gym with a vague 'get fit' goal. Didn't work.
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honey wake up, the new political compass just dropped.
Replies: >>279
It's fascinating how political 3SF has remained, at least in the UK. It was thought-up as a hypothetical game by a Danish Situationist to explain a concept, then re-discovered and tested by UK Situationist groups who came across it when translating their work about twenty years after their death. Those Situationist groups have driven it in a strong esoteric, political and performance art direction while still keeping it accessible. I suppose it's a topic for another thread, but I'm grateful that its presence remains political in sharp contrast to, say, Omegaball in the US, which seems like a mediocre spectacle attempt at commercializing the sport. I'd rather have these elusive experimental videos of people playing football all tied together in a web by the foot, or playing blindfolded, or running around the perimeter of the field and kicking it across because The State said to keep off, and with sociology researchers and anarchist zine articles talking about mapping out the moon for a place to '[dissolve] the homoerotic/homophobic bipolarity of the two-sided game', than just another gimmicky televised sport with hype commentators. It really has the chance of being a people's sport.
Coming back after a few week, doing better than expected but still feeling the loss.
Replies: >>285 >>294
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stay strong, comrade!

Pretty good video about the fitness-manosphere pipeline. The guy is probably not a commie and probably some kind of lib, although maybe hes a secret comrade. Even then, consider how little pushback there is from the fitness community for this kind of shit, its good to see
Replies: >>290
self-awareness status: obliterated.webp
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I've never been pushed into that sphere, even on /fit/ (about 8 years ago) so it's interesting to catch glimpses into it. Studies on hierarchy of lobsters? That's a bit desperate innit.

I'm a little disappointed that they didn't cover the roots of the problems, why there are groups intentionally promoting these ideals (beyond just saying Peterson has an agenda), although I realize that's not what the short video was about.
I don't know about where other people here are, but here the neo-Nazi movement has intentional focus on entering the fitness movement. One of their base of operations is a private gym and just like with WN death metal and WN rappers struggles in the music scene, there's a regular effort to try and deplatform them from weight-lifting and fighting competitions.
Here are a couple of examples of these front orgs:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rise_Above_Movement (US)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Club_Network (US, Canada)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lads_Society (Aus)
That last one was succeeded by the NSN, who tried to deadlift on an Australian state parliament's steps before getting punked by cops. It's desperate and pathetic, but their motivation is clear — they're posturing as masculine and powerful. The fitness sphere and their hyper-masculinity fetish often intertwine in their values, so it makes for an ideal recruitment ground.
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I'm gonna have to bring sunglasses to the gym because they've put bright-ass industrial lights above all the power and bench racks. My eyes are strained enough, I don't need afterimages emblazoned on them.
Stay strong, comrade!
Sportz is goin' good.
Ugh, today was shite. Ended up only doing half a routine, feels like I'm sick this week but without any classic symptoms.
Nice work

Team games are always good. Sometimes the real health is the friends we make along the way.
I saw someone on another board lamenting their friends all flaking and no longer going to the gym after a few months, where if you have enough for a sports team then it's less likely to happen.
Haven't reported in for a while, doing more and more sport which has gotta be good for cardio.
Replies: >>451
Hell yeah comrade, keep it up.
Been too busy organnising sport to write about sport. The more you do, the more you find. But yeah, my teams have been doing great. It's just a shame there aren't any socialist/anarchist teams in my area.
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>>200 (OP) 
I sympathise with Cuba banning professional sport in 1961. Society should not make sport a profession, and should make it as accessible as possible, focusing that effort into amateur leagues.
Being a professional athlete can ruin your body, like other hard labour work. It's not healthy, often it's exploitation for entertainment, just like other industrialised hobbies, like the music industry.
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Started running with minimalist/barefoot shoes and I'm kicking myself that I didn't do it years ago. In socialism, we should be making shoes bespoke to each person because every foot is different and having good foot mobility is really important for the rest of your mobility. Capitalism (mostly) produces death traps that bind your feet up so badly that if causes medical problems. Unfortunately the only real alternatives right now are pretty niche and usually super minimalist (very thin soles, can be uncomfortable on pavement).
Replies: >>659
>Started [𝑥] and I'm kicking myself that I didn't do it years ago.
The story of life. It's truly mind-boggling how much mythology we all have to deconstruct to avoid ruining our lives, and a huge part of that is fueled by capitalist marketing tripe just normalizing bullshit.
When there's no sport on, I find it hard to get the motivation to go running for no reason beyond exercise, but I can run all around town playing search and destroy with fash stickers all day. Trying different routes to make sure everything's clear.
There was a trend with fitness running apps to gamify them, and one example was adding territory, where running around a block takes it from someone else's territory into yours. This is much more fun.
cam on grobar souf, score sam farkin gors.webp
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>Xi is an avid soccer fan. [...]. During a visit to Ireland in 2012 as China's vice-president, Xi showcased his soccer technique at Croke Park. I think he just booted a ball from his hands lol In 2011, Xi outlined a vision to turn China from a footballing minnow to a soccer superpower. He outlined a three-stage plan for the national team: to qualify for another World Cup, to host a World Cup and to win a World Cup. In 2015, Xi approved China's 50-point plan for the sport, which included including soccer in the national school curriculum and setting up 50,000 soccer schools in the country by 2025. However, according to CNN, poor financial decisions and alleged high-level corruption coupled with a three-year pandemic have left the sport in tatters. In 2023, Xi said he is "not so sure" of the abilities of the national team.
If one intends to workout every single day,
Pro vs cons of:
1. working out every single muscle group with fewer reps each day
2. Working out like upper body one day, torso next day, lower body after that, and repeating (with more reps each on the body section each day vs first scenario)?
Replies: >>925
>every single day
Recovery time is important, so I would assume the second is better because at least each focus group gets more time to repair. But you might want to check that with a search, it sounds like a common enough question that an expert would have answered somewhere.
Getting to a routine of daily pushups until I sort out a proper lifting schedule which will complement my other sports. It's not much, but it will do for now.
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Fitness goals: https://lefty.pictures/post/view/23083
Started going to the gym for about 6 months and I'm feeling great, but I'm focusing more on strength and aerobic trainings. I'm not that interested in turning into a bloated protein balloon that has little to no physical endurance.
Replies: >>989
>I'm not that interested in turning into a bloated protein balloon that has little to no physical endurance.
Lots of people aren't interest in that either. There's a huge gap between reasonable athletic fitness and the absurd bodybuilder physique, people don't become that by accident.
>Started going to the gym for about 6 months and I'm feeling great
Excellent to hear, comrade!
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