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How do i stop being depressed by the current state of things? specially being a thirdworlder.

Its been a week and half, i stopped going to the gym, couldnt study shit from my uni, nothing, and im in bed all the time or dragging my ass through the apartment, the only thing i can do is read, i'm reading John Reed to pass the time...
I can't talk much about third world issues (I'm in a so-called 'developed nation'). I've definitely felt better when I can see the movement on-the-ground, rather than just the tip of the iceberg I can watch online.
Especially online things can be damaging - lots of it is people (of all kinds of ideologies) trying to radicalize others, so there's a lot of negative doom-fuel everywhere all about showing things need to change. But we know that! No point in hearing it again every day.

Not really much else I can say without it just being generic anti-depression advice.
Replies: >>799
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 Well, I've deleted yt and other stuff these days and I already feel better. Doomscrolling funking sucks
Replies: >>800
Feed for nukechan.webp
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It sucks and its addictive by design. More attention, more data and ads.
There are many sites where I only want the content of a few specific creators making quality or locally-relevant content. In YT's case, I use Invidious (somewhat broken, consider alternatives) and its RSS feeds to subscribe to certain channels without having to visit YT.
RSS feeds are great, I used to get on a computer/phone and just cycle between sites I was interested in. Visit, there's no new posts, try the next, nothing, visit another, it's junk, and keep going until it's been so long I feel like checking the first again. I even included this site until the Recent Posts RSS feed was added and I decided to get my shit together. Now I get notified when there's something new instead of me wasting hours a week patrolling my favourite sites manually for updates.
Replies: >>803 >>840 >>958
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All social media sites strive to be an infinite treadmill of dopamine-activating slop. Partly because it keeps you there longer, giving them more data. Partly because it's in that state you are more susceptible to advertising. Both in the moment (as you scroll) and in the general state of depression it puts you into (as you stumble through life waiting for the next commodity to promise to fill the void). It is truly insidious and "brain rot" is accurate if not very descriptive or helpful at diagnosing the problem.
Replies: >>958
I have this loop where I go to an IB, not necessarily an active one, and participate in a discussion. The topic can be serious, I really care about defending my position, but I lose focus on understanding that I am interacting in an IB and who knows what person is on the other side of the PC. The problem is that I find myself going back and forth from the site -which remember: it is slow- just to feed the aforementioned loop. I will do this >>800 with the threads that interest me and will argue less online. I have rotted myself doing this.
Replies: >>841
I did this a few times with political discussions on IBs, or seeing /pol/yps screeching on other boards, but almost entirely stopped after a few days when the only people replying were rightoids who plainly didn't even have reason behind their assertions. Just unreasoned, syncretic ideas. It would be one thing if it were bad faith argument tactics, or edgy humor, but this was earnest brainlessness. So I would end up just trolling them after making one or two effortposts and getting no discernible counterpoints in reply. And as fun as that is, I'm not going to rot away doing that instead of going outside.
Learning the right tools can do wonders for automating your life. The amount of time I've saved (and the pleasure of minimalism) is well worth it.
Replies: >>959
NTA but thanks for reminding me that I need to restructure some of this for myself right now, the docs etc were getting a bit "dusty" and I was back to the more inefficient method of simply relying on a daily to-do list (which is harder to remodel into multi-step plans, which is easier via something like libreoffice writer)
Replies: >>960
Glad to help, comrade. When they say "get organized!", I yell "let me just add that to my calendar!"

One of my early problems was using my digital calendar as a to-do list, which quickly goes to crap when you don't achieve something in time and just have an eternal snooze. If you're already on Microsoft/Apple/Google or Nextcloud, their synced organization tools like calendars and to-dos should be fine, otherwise if you're anti-bigtech then something like Etar (calendar) and https://tasks.org/ (to-do) are both simple and powerful.
Replies: >>962
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On the other hand, I also have lots of experience with ticketing tools, which are probably overkill and too much overhead if you're not using them for collaboration, but are designed for multi-step projects.

Since we're talking about tech stuff: Daily reminder that for computer files and spreadsheets, write your dates as YYYY-MM-DD, like the ones on this site if you hover over the post date, e.g. 2024-12-23. This makes sorting alphabetically correctly sort chronologically.
Free time is a scarse resource. I'd be happy if there was a productivity tips thread.
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