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Attempted assasination attempt on freedom and democracy activist Donald Trump
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Only a true democratic hero gives the people the freedom to assassinate them.
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sir a second picture of JD Vance in drag has hit the internet.png
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>ANOTHER conservative schizo tried to clap Drumpf
These happened in quick succession too. Ought to be a betting pool on how many times it's going to happen before the election at this rate. Fascinating how it took this long for it to start happening but they happened in quick succession already. One wonders if the media is deliberately trying to memory-hole the event given they know about the copycat effect (since it's a lucrative strategy for them when it comes to mass shooters).
Replies: >>673 >>676 >>677
Assassination of Spanish Prime Minister Antonio Cánovas del Castillo.jpg
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Propaganda of the Deed is demanding an apology right now.
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>One wonders if the media is deliberately trying to memory-hole the event
The list of assassination attempts isn't as long as Obama's, let alone Hitler or Castro, but it's not just two attempts.
Replies: >>681
the first one i was willing to write off as likely a lone wolf. this second one has me about half way to thinking they're deadass trying to get his dumb ass.
Replies: >>680
Iif I were the head of the CIA and believed my job was protecting the USA's national interests, I'd have half a mind to order it. Listen to any interviews with the former defense staff and they talk about how clueless Trump is, either just not listening or asking dumb shit like why we don't just nuke enemies and make NATO a protection racket.
They're like the epitome of the short-sighted capitalist boss looking for short-term gains, put in charge of a country, and in a morbid way it's hilarious.
Replies: >>683
8533 - assassination fascism germany joseph_stalin meta_screencap nazi nazi_germany soviet_union war weapon world_war_ii.jpg
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The Good Wife.webp
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world's weirdest hobbies.webp
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obligatory military coup.webp
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maybe the paranoid schizophrenics were right about the radiowaves.webp
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>Obama's list
Oh great, another rabbit hole.

Look at all this. I thought picrel1 was extreme, but they must have thought Obama was literally an superhuman antichrist. 
There's even someone new to add to the /eses/ thread.
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It's really funny how the GOP finally got their wish of a billionaire CEO president and he's easily the most incompetent doofus to ever sit in the oval office. The man drew on a map of a hurricane's projected path with a sharpie because he thought he knew better than the predictive models.
Replies: >>684
Ronald Reagan? The actor? Ha!.webp
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When Mr. Run It Like A Business was elected, I wasn't very politically aware or a burger so while everyone around me and I were shocked, I couldn't avoid noticing how appropriate it was having The Capitalist Icon as the US president, just like when Arnold Schwarzenegger got elected in California.
And they're showing that same classic arrogant ignorance which CEOs are infamous for. They know better than the experts! They're rich!
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