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A general thread for discussing upcoming elections and electoral politics.

Elections with existing threads (e.g. UK election) should go there instead for convenience.
2024 is a big year for the West. Highlights include:
>June 9: European Parliament election
>June 30, ... : French National Assembly
>July 4: UK House of Commons
>November 5: United States

We also have the Venezuela Presidential election and North Korean Parliament election.
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Well comrade, who are you voting for?
Replies: >>562 >>593
>Government: SuccDem and Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist–Leninist) coalition including DemSocs

>25 active communist parties
All these splits and mergers would make any Trot blush.
In some way, I think we're lucky that the governments of the 5EYES were how they are at the beginning of the Palestinian genocide (given the realistic options).
>USA: Democrat president ('left' side of the two-party system)
>UK: 'centre-left' Labour party prime minister and in power
>Canada: 'centre-left' prime minister and Liberal party in power
>Australia: 'centre-left' Labor prime minister (founding member of 'Parliamentary Friends of Palestine')
There's no reasonable excuse of 'well let's just voot in the left of the two parties' because they're already there and showing their colours.
Then with the labour movement, you have the Democrats 'Amtrak Joe' outlawing the train strike and the Australian Labor party taking draconian forceful administration of the construction workers union (CFMEU), which is doing its part alienating their worker-class base.

Unfortunately some of those parliaments are in a situation where they can just vote one party to 'the left', hope for the Nordic model and call it a day. But even that is an improvement.

holy shit
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