>>45 (OP)
The whole bush Dynasty is one of the most evil in the world. Bush SR was involved in a lot of stuff in Iraq early on in the 90s, specifically the first gulf war, which was in many respects even dirtier than the later ones. Even though they were all dirty.
He also presided over the invasion and bombing of Panana under Manuel Noreiga, Noriega having previously been classically CIA couped into power, only to then be taken out of power. (the same is true of Iraq by the way, the CIA supported Saddam get into power, only to then invade later on when he started to nationalise things)
He was also responsible for NAFTA, which was a "free trade deal" which basically fucked over Mexico in terms of tariffs etc
Now, Prescott bush, his pappy and grandpappy of George Bush the younger was involved with "the business plot" which was a literal fascist coup attempt by business leaders in the US. The plot was uncovered by smedley butler, the most decorated US Soldier ever. - On butler he is hailed by many as a hero and perhaps he is, but also, he himself was a general presiding over the destruction of central America, and even this guy baulked at the thought of Bush Sr Sr in power