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A Brief History of Seven Killings.jpg
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The book I submit for your perusal is Marlon James A Brief History of Seven Killings. 

Told from the perspective of multiple characters, in different narrative styles, though mostly some kind of stream of consciousness, the book explores events intertwined with the election and subsequent CIA backed coup of Michael Manley, the Democratic Socialist who was Jamaica's Prime Minister from 1972- 1980 and 1989-1992 . The book focuses on the period around his first term in office. 

Specifically, the book explores events surrounding the "smile jamaica" concert, organised by Michael Manley with Bob Marley, amidst heightened politicised gang activity. 

I won't give away too many spoilers here, but if you know the story of Bob Marley and of Jamaica at the time, then you know the events. 

Although fictionalised, the book sticks very closely to what I consider to be the truth and pulls no punches. Through the perspectives of Gang Members, CIA agents (often intertwined), journalists, spurned lovers,  etc, the historical events are brought to life. 

 The multiple perspectives are at odds, frenetic, sometimes difficult to understand, with elements that verge on magical realism but stopping just short. 

 The style is a very good literary mechanism for displaying the confused web of backstabbing, espionage and political intrigue that plagued the Island at the time. 

Other than that, the book is often hilarious, often emotional, and often disturbing, as well as telling a variety of "sub" narratives which explore the position of women at the time, the influence of religion, the music scene.

Through all this, the book is extremely educational. Reading along with wikipedia at your side can be extremely enlightening. 

10/10, would recommend
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>Reading along with wikipedia at your side can be extremely enlightening.
So I currently know nothing of Jamaican politics and little about Marley, I decided to take a quick look for the context:
[A Brief History of Seven Killings]
>[...] and describes politically motivated violence between gangs associated with the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and the People's National Party (PNP)
Alright, two policial parties, a national party and a labour party, having a fight. that's easy enou
>The People's National Party (PNP) is a social-democratic political party in Jamaica
Oh, so the republicanism type of nationalism, so this is succdems fighting socialists alright makes sens
[Jamaica Labour Party]
>While its name might suggest that it is a social democratic party (as is the case for "Labour" parties in several other Commonwealth realms such as Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom), the JLP is actually a conservative party.
dammit Jamaica
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I'm going to give this book a look: Workers' Tales: Socialist Fairy Tales, Fables, and Allegories From Great Britain, edited by Michael Rosen (the man, the meme, the legend).
That's hard mode, even if it is historical.
Replies: >>90
Michael Rosen - Workers’ Tales: Socialist Fairy Tales, Fables, and Allegories from Great Britain.pdf
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I should have uploaded the PDF last post - here it is.
I have always liked compilation books where you can just drop into a random chapter and read a few pages. Some of the stories are fun to read, some are sharp, others I feel were ham-fisted or banal.
Tales from the mall.jpg
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So this one sort of breaks the rules because it does include snippets of the history of shopping malls. 

Basically what it is is fictional tales centered around shopping malls, chopped up interviews and stories told by people, that are to do with shopping malls, people who've worked in them etc,  mix in with the history of shopping malls. Guy who wrote it is a marxist, saw him speak once.
Replies: >>92
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The mall is an interesting symbol of capitalism. Occasionally I have to go into one and I can't help how manipulatively designed the whole place is. Ads everywhere, somehow worse than the 4 minutes per 10 on a television because here it's built right into the place.
There is a (reasonable) claim of vaporwave being largely a critique of corporate capitalism and its mannerisms, including the very style of lounge music, and the mall has become a widespread symbol of the genre, so much that mallwave is an established subgenre. The unrealistic 3D designs work beautifully with the artificial postmodernism of a mall's design.

All this to say, it doesn't surprise me much to see a Marxist writer use a mall as a centrepiece of a work.
Replies: >>93
the design is a huge part of what he talks about, its like a history, how they are designed etc. Basically they make you confused and sad, and are deliberately hard to get out of, but it goes beyond that, how they tore the heart out of towns, were generally designed to be accessed only by car, dispensed with local jobs, jacked up the price of real estate in small towns, etc, then the internet came along and now they aren't even viable, all closing up, rotting away
Replies: >>94
that's terror.jpg
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I'm guessing they brought up ideas like the Gruen transfer, 'the moment when consumers enter a shopping mall or store and, surrounded by an intentionally confusing layout, lose track of their original intentions, making them more susceptible to making impulse buys.'
It's a bit of a shock to first notice just how insidious stores, businesses, apps and social media sites act to try and manipulate everyone. It's offensive.
Replies: >>123
honestly its been a while since I've read it but yes he does touch on that subject.
So whose read the Dune series? I'm on book 4 and want to discuss
Replies: >>248
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Not me. Didn't even know it was a full series.
Replies: >>249
you say this... but you've also posted an image which accurately described the end of book 3 and main premise of book 4
Replies: >>252
Dune was a very influential series which I've seen a few parodies of within other shows, so like many other things I've never seen or read, I can recognize references to it and have a vague idea of the main story points. I enjoy parody and discovering where ideas in art were inspired from. It's a great way to find new things, even if it does sometimes result in spoilers for older movies and books.
I had a quick look on Wikipedia to check what the plotline of God-Emperor was (since you mentioned it) and glanced enough to realize it's the book which that episode of the cartoon was parodying, where in the distant future they become a universal overlord forcing everyone to mine cinnamon. While I intentionally haven't read the end of the book's plot summary, I'm pretty sure they changed the ending as a joke.
Replies: >>257
The series is pretty good. Its frustrating at parts, and there is this tendency for them to have very verbose conversations, where they try to one up each other basically in their ability to see the future and read minds via body language and such, which is cool as a concept, but also as the main driver of the action can get a little long. Its weird, its very peaks and troughs, and when you're in the troughs, it can get tedious, but then (I'm talking about 2 books here) you suddenly get this huge pay off, but then it goes back to sorta zero again. 

There is a lot of really interesting concepts and conversations, and the extended lore is placed in this way where you gradually get more invested in the history. 

Suddenly takes this big feminist turn later on as well.
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I have not read this, but it's intriguing:
Replies: >>289
This sounds wild. The title is sketchy as hell. The exploration of a conspiracy theory part seems really interesting though. I am really into Diana theories, for sure lizzie killed her
I haven't read The Jungle, but I already know it deserves to be here.
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