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13 The Cause of Death.mp3
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HAPPY 9/11

Post 9/11 memes and debate whether the 9th of November was an inside job.
Replies: >>23
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Let's pick out the playlist.
For me, it's Disco Inferno, It's a Wonderful World, Fire, and 99 Luftballons.
Replies: >>26
>>21 (OP) 
The strongest piece of evidence in my view for the inside job thesis is Bin Laden being funded by the CIA in Afghanistan during the Soviet Afghan War.
Replies: >>32
mines got to be mostly nu metal, goes with the period.
Replies: >>27
311 - Down, Break Stuff and Falling Away from Me are on there.
Replies: >>28
Its not like I fully agree with Tankians point of view (I think the whole backlash view stops short of the inside job narrative, which is the one I believe, although the backlash is also a part of it), and he presents such a soft front and basically gets bullied here into all sorts of things, comments on Israel etc, but just as piece of media which shows the feeling of the time this interview is crazy. The chauvinism and hysteria and denial from Stern and the other woman on the interview is crazy:

this is Serj Tankian on Howard Stern 


he called into Howard Stern after he posted this piece on his website entitled "understanding oil" days after 9/11. 

I feel really bad for him tbh they dogpile the shit out of him. 


the piece states

"To be able to understand the answer to this, we must first look at our U.S. Mideast Policy. During most of the 20th century, U.S. businesses have worked on attaining oil rights and concessions from countries in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. After WWI, secret back door deals by our State Dept. yielded oil rights from then defeated Turkey to fields in what is now Iraq and Saudi Arabia, in return for looking the other way at a crime against humanity, the Genocide of the Armenians by the Turks. Oil profits have been the motivating factors behind many attempts at counterinsurgency of democratic regimes by the CIA and the U.S in the Middle East (such as Iran in the 1950s, where the Shah replaced the Prime Minister who refused to give up oil rights to the U.S., and since the people couldnt deal with the Shah, an extremist government headed by the Ayatollah Khomeini ultimately prevailed). During the Iran-Iraq war, America supplied both sides with weapons and advice. These are not the actions of a rich superpower wanting peace. Lets not forget that Saddam Hussein, before being Americas vision of the Anti-Christ, was a close ally of the U.S., and the CIA. So what was the firm belief system of consecutive American administrations that caused all this to occur ? PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST WILL LEAD TO HIGHER OIL AND GASOLINE PRICES. Lets not also forget the power of the Arms industry, disguised as defense, that still sells billions of dollars of weapons to the area. Therefore it has not been in the short-term economic interest of the U.S. to foster Peace in the Middle East. Using the above reasoning, the U.S. has encouraged extremist governments, toppled democracies, as in the case of Iran to replace it with a monarchy, rigged elections, and many more unspeakable political crimes for U.S. businesses abroad. Lets not also forget the Red Scare. During the war between the then Soviet Union and Afghanistan, the U.S. armed and supported the Taliban, a fundamentalist Muslim organization, and allowed them to export opium and heroin out of their country to pay for those weapons. Therefore the Taliban rose to power and control with the help of the U.S.A. Today, the bombing of Iraq still continues, no longer covered by the media, the economic embargo still remains, killing millions of children, and recently, while the world and the U.N. General Assembly have cried out to bring in peacekeeping forces into Israel and Palestine, to end the escalated war and recent assassinations, the U.S. has vetoed the rest of the Security Council and has halted the possibility of peace, there, in the most volatile place in the world."

which is undeniably pretty based, and his name in the context is funny: 

Serj TANKY lmao.
Replies: >>31 >>141
Also a year before 9/11 Limp Bizkit shot the video for Rollin (their breakthrough song, the song you think of when you think of Limp Bizkit if its not break stuff) on... the world trade centre south tower... 

also trying to find a video of Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor denouncing the increase in hate crimes after 9/11 but I can't find it
That interview was painful to listen to, Serj was completely submissive, didn't even mention the basic points of their statement and basically just said 'yep' to some very horrendous arguments like that terrorists bombed the US because of envy over the American Way of Life.
I know Stern and their annoying crew are there to flame and that Serj didn't take any of the bait, but Serj also didn't do anything.

If you want a real dogpile feel-bad interview, check Tom Morello on Bill Maher countering against a panel of capitalist simps.
True. The Bin Laden family and the Bush family also had a lot of economic ties.
Replies: >>111
Season 4 of Blowback spends a lot of time discussing those connections as well as the broader context.
Giving the most benefit of the doubt, I'd say the CIA and/or FBI absolutely had the capability to prevent the attacks, and it appears they were either:
- infiltrated by foreign agents such as Pakistan's ISI who blocked warnings from escalating into action
- pacified by parts of the CIA or government to maintain positive relationships
- intentionally permitted to go ahead
Again, this is assuming no conspiracy, which is absolutely a possibility.
Replies: >>598
hip hop did 9-11.png
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>The original cover of the album, created in June 2001 depicted Boots Riley and Pam the Funkstress destroying the twin towers of the World Trade Center using what appeared to be a detonator. The apparent detonator was actually an electronic tuner. The album was originally scheduled for release in September of that year, but after the September 11 attacks, the band decided to postpone the album's release until November, so they could create new cover art.
Replies: >>141
wtf, Based Boots at it again. 

Toxicity came out sept 4 2001 btw. One week later 9/11 happened, truly the album of the epoch. Begins with Prison Song
Happy anniversay, Nukechan!
Credible non-conspiratory theories are powerful. It's one thing to know, yes, there's a real incentive for a conspiracy to occur but it's also pretty simple to dismiss as a blind accusation if there wasn't a whistleblower like Smedley Butler of the Business Plot.
But when the key facts and statements are all known to the public, no secret inner circle, it's damning.
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Replies: >>603
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Just wait until the CIA gets home! I'll tell them you did it and you'll be in so much trouble!
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Replies: >>606
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