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Irfan Ali.jpg
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Thread about Guyana. 

As anons may or may not know, there are currently rumblings of conflict on the disputed Guyana/Venezuela border, in the oil rich region of Essequibo. 

Now, my instinct is that this will perhaps amount to a nothing burger. In fact this is a border dispute that has been rumbling since 1899, when the british, french and spanish divided up the region, with the Spanish losing out. There was then a larger rumble a couple of years ago. In terms of a socialist analysis, it seems slightly flimsy to base land claims on colonial borders, however they were set, given both countries have now fought for and won independence from these colonies, yet the remnants of their wrecking remains. 

I suspect the US and its interests in Latin America are only to happy to draw the conversation ever so slightly away from Israel, and the various failures of every US backed clown closer to home in Latin America.

 However, there does seem to be rumblings so I'd like to keep an eye on it. 

 We all know about based Maduro, but Guyana is led by Irfaan Ali of the Peoples Progessive Party/ Civic. He is, by all accounts, deeply in bed with Exxon Mobil Executives, as well as US military interests, despite the PPP's heritage in anti colonialism and Marxism. Guyana is in fact fairly unique in that both the major parties claim this heritage. 

 Exxon mobil have a huge influence in Guyana, and the extractive industries make up most of its GDP, however very little of this goes back to the Guyanan people, and predictably ends up the pocket of the pocket of the elites there.

 Recently, there was a referendum in Venezuela, won by a landslide, as to whether or not Venezuela should officially claim the disputed land. Maduro then said he would make moves to formalise the decision, what those are remains to be seen. 

It seems to me unlikely that Maduro would be so ham fisted as to simply attempt to seize the territory by force, it isn't really his style, and the move would open up his flank massively to US chicanery. 

 More likely, it is a robust posture, to warn the US and affiliates that any creep will not be tolerated. 

The world however, is all over the place at the minute, and countries like Venezuela may feel currently emboldened. In real politik terms, it is difficult to say if seizure of the land would be justifiable, as stated above, it may invite undue attention. However, the empire as it stands is weak, how likely they are to engage in full blown military opposition is difficult to say.

 The conflict in Ukraine is winding down as a loss, Israel has taken a large soft power blow, and in Latin America, the US reach has been fading for years. US attentions are generally also focussed on China and Russia.
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>Recently, there was a referendum in Venezuela, won by a landslide
You gotta love the wording.
Replies: >>168
I mean, the entire concept of like >we will ask people to vote for annexing "somebody elses" land 
is kinda funny on the face of it. 

I'm honestly not sure what I think about the whole thing just yet, but my gut says, not much will happen and Maduro is far more shrewd than to do something silly like this
Replies: >>169 >>227
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Replies: >>170
kek, do again but with exxon mobil saying I don't also ehehehe
Replies: >>171
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You know the CIA aren't just gonna stand by.
Replies: >>172

revelant and consent pilled

>oh yeh that sweet sweet crude
Replies: >>174
'Basement with supplies', 1973.webp
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>we've gotta go protect that sweet sweet crude from nefarious foreign actors
clearly happy to be there.webp
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It's looking like this will fizzle.

>Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro and Guyana's Irfaan Ali shook hands after a two-hour meeting on the Caribbean island nation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The two sides agreed that they "will not threaten or use force against one another in any circumstances," the statement said.
The other South American states, especially Brazil, are also trying to de-escalate.
>Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay issued a joint declaration calling for "both parties to negotiate to seek a peaceful solution."
Replies: >>216
Yeh, another Chad move by Maduro. I knew he wouldn't be so silly as to make a huge conflict over this. Can count it as another win and another loss in Latam by the burger axis.
⧸co⧸ has no comics.webp
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I mean, shit, I'd be happy if my country asked us before going to war.
Looks like there's still only 5 casualties from that (accidental) helicopter crash? Seems like this is/was being over hyped since the borders are a direct product of colonialism and being used to siphon oil from the continent. IDK what Lula's angle is on this to be siding with the US/UK. Seems kinda cringe.
Replies: >>663
Honestly it's a bit worrying to see Lula side with them at any time, ever.
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