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(27.6KB, 495x619)
I'm going to be real with all of you, you guys suck, especially the European ones. Complain and point out what you don't like and what you think makes people don't like the left-wing , socialist, & progressives.
Concerning the european ones, personally i never liked them neither most are just larpers who think that they matter to the government and protesting and complaing will solve all problems instead of solving them.
Most are so entrenched in slogans and ideals that they meme constantly, they never see how ineffective and useless their efforts are but are convinced they totally stuck it to the man.
Also most speak about anarchy and this and that, but see how many of them even know where to get food other than the grocery store.
Replies: >>1029 >>1036
true lol
(585.1KB, 769x940)
I wouldn't say they are entrenched solely in ideals but more that they are completely captivated by the libeleral hegemony. Even most European communist parties are just socdem libs at the end of the day. They do not have any meaningful changes to propose, best you get is some return to Keynesian economic policies. None of them dare to take a stand because they don't want to scare the middle class voters away, they run scared of the fascists so they try to appeal to the larger liberal sentiment that is present in Europe even when the libs have nothing to offer but to hand over power to the fascists. 

They like their comfy positions and will never oppose the existing institutions because they are just as much a part of it, there is no political future in Europe and left groups / parties need to embrace that openly, even when it seems unpopular.

It's all just fucking liberalism, all the fucking way down. I hate this place tbh
Replies: >>1037
do YOU do anything?
Replies: >>1041
Do you??????
Chud's were correct about the European ones
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